video : a democrat explaining why he hates Donald Trump


1PandaArmy4777 :

Trump created the beer flu? 馃 This is a straight forward honest interview well done.

DREY4400 :

TDS is real…

A3Kr0n :

We all have our bias.

Black atheist millionaire :

Marcel,your just another “TOM”. Defending a racist white man who couldn’t care less about yo black ass.馃様

JonO387 :

These people are insane.

titotoenail :

Oh, Marcel… It not subjective anymore (unless laws are also subjective). If you want to look, it’s EASY to find an example. Just two very clear examples to cut to the chase, because this really isn’t worth anyone’s time, is when he admitted to firing Comey because he was investigating Trump. That is clear obstruction of justice. One more, a bipartisan committee (republicans and democrats) said that his campaign received help from the Russians and welcomed it. And there are MUCH more, since desensitizing is one of their many goals. Let alone clear violations of the law, the HR violations he would violate at ANY company are clear. Per Republicans for years, “we should run our country like a business”. Well, he wouldn’t last a second at any company. My parents literally have no idea about what he has done, because of their news source. It blows my mind. **EDIT** Maybe think of trump being a racist the same way we think of evolution. Eveolution is a a theory with a foundation of facts. trump being a racist is also a theory, with a foundation of facts. If you want trump to say ‘I am racist’, you will be waiting a long time. At least, until racism becomes normal again, then he may come out and say it.

Slay Bryn :

How to contact you bro

FunnyMattG :

He said they were very fine people on both sides and neo nazi’s were one of those sides.

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