video review : I Shouldn’t Be Alive

video review : I Shouldn't Be Alive

This documentary series, about (stupid) people lost or stranded alone for Days in dangerous conditions with little means of survival, is apparently based on real stories. That, along with its snappy albeit formulaic production, is what makes it captivating. The details rely on not much more than what the survivors say happened; the visuals are mostly re-enactments; but the gist rings true enough to astound.

my rating : 4 of 5


NTD Evening News [ 2024 January 24 ]

2024 January 24

audio review : Please Come Out Tonight ( song ) … Phil Collins

“It’s so warm inside,” Phil Collins says, but the indication doesn’t make sense on a song that has him outside of presumably an ex-girlfriend’s window begging her to Come Out. The Tonight bit, over this lush and enchanting soundscape, makes for a fitting serenade. Then again his words may just be thoughts of what he would say if he had the courage to invite her back into his life.

my rating : 4 of 5


audio review : Both Sides ( album ) ... Phil Collins