a dream I had about chancing upon a lunch lady from elementary school

I was at some kind of live outdoor event, perhaps a political one sponsored by the Department Of Education, when I saw one or two of the lunch ladies from my elementary school; I remember one of them responding negatively to Donald Trump; I’d come across again in real life at Borders as an adult several years later.

I was nearly ecstatic because the earlier bookstore reunion; they didn’t remember me, but I told them they look familiar and that’s when they asked me if I attended the school which instantly reminded me where I knew their faces from; was short-lived. I’d rattled off as many teachers I could think of in those several seconds.

They seemed to remember each name I threw at them; Miss Shaw was one of the first; and gave me a brief update on seemingly every one. Some had died, some retired and others, surprisingly enough, still worked there. I wanted to talk more; the nostalgia was intense, but I didn’t want to take up too much of their time.

I figured I’d never see them again; it was quite unlikely; but there they were, or at least one of them was there, at this event in what I didn’t realize at the time was just a dream. I don’t know whether or not they’re related in real life; at least I don’t remember; but they were sisters, perhaps a set of “three” sisters, in this dream.

There was only one by the time we wound up in some kind of room. Perhaps it was backstage at that same event. She sat on a bed of sorts; the room was almost like a jail cell; with Miranda, a manager from the aforementioned Borders, now working as her apparent caregiver, sitting on a bench or chair beside her. They faced me.

I’d reminded the lunch lady; I’m calling them lunch ladies, but they could’ve worked in the school office; I don’t remember which; of our bookstore encounter from years earlier. It’s been amazingly already almost as many years as it had been since I’d seen them at the time. I told her I wanted to talk more at a later time.

Actually I wanted to talk more right then and there; I wanted to start naming teachers again; besides I’ve forgotten all the details of the previous update; but I didn’t want to pester her. It seemed she’d grown elderly, she seemed to be of poor health, hence the caregiver, and she looked tired. I was going to let her rest first.

2025 February 01

365 Crunchy Peanut Butter

365 Crunchy Peanut Butter

You’d have a hard time finding a healthier Peanut Butter. This Whole Foods product is healthy in the sense that there is no sugar or unnecessary ingredients. The only listed here are “dry roasted peanuts” and salt. What helps the taste, aside from the Crunchy bits, is its oily consistency. It’s more like a spread.

my rating : 3 of 5

a dream I had about looking for eggnog at an outdoor Christmas store

I was at some kind of outdoor Christmas event. It was more like a huge store, possibly connected to a shopping mall, that sold Christmas trees, decorations and the like. The whole place probably smelled like pine cones. There were reefs, stockings, figurines and so on; a shopper’s delight for anything Christmas themed; but all I was looking for was the eggnog.

I say “the” instead of “some” because I had the sense I’d been to this store before and remembered seeing, if not buying, it. I was going to ask a worker, preferably a manager, where it was but couldn’t find a free one amongst the crowd, which probably included a line of parents waiting for pictures of their kids sitting on the lap of a man dressed as Santa Claus.

When I finally found the eggnog area; they only sold TG Lee brand at $7 a carton; it was a bittersweet experience. The main display case; a round stand of sorts; was empty, so I walked over to the back where I thought I saw other varieties, including Chocolate and Cookie-flavored, but I soon realized they were some sort of eggnog candy; nothing to drink.

After scanning that section back and forth, seemingly trying to will a carton into existence, I actually saw one. It was a Cookie one and there was a man standing to my left; he was looking too; so I quickly grabbed it and eggnog spilled all over my fingers. The man gasped in surprise or perhaps disgust. It was an open carton that wasn’t even being refrigerated.

Now that it was obvious why there was apparently one carton of eggnog left in the whole place; it was facing backward when I grabbed it, which is why I couldn’t tell it had been opened; I quickly put it back. I, the nog junkie I am, did however put the chewing gum I’d been holding in that same hand in my mouth; odd as I rarely chew gum in real life; and savor the taste.

2024 October 11