audio review : Bet She Can’t ( song ) … Total

The prosaic title of this song, which I would’ve made The Goods, refers to a guy’s girlfriend’s vaginal skills when it comes to sexual intercourse. Total; Kima Keisha And Pam; play the role of the (booty) call girl who brags she can do it better because she puts her “back into it”.

It’s a sexy song indeed; the music is sleekly produced; but it would be better without Missy and Diddy’s ad-libs. The biggest turnoff is when the latter breaks the fourth wall and promotes the former by name, which takes you; the aforementioned beau; right out of the fantasy.

my rating : 4 of 5


Ellen Page’s physical appearance

Ellen Page's physical appearance Ellen Page's physical appearance Ellen Page's physical appearance Ellen Page's physical appearance Ellen Page's physical appearance

Ellen Page is a woman. As a girl, she was actually quite cute; adorable even. Why she decided to alter her looks, going as far as to chop off her hair and tits, and pretend to be a man; Elliot Page; for the rest of her life is well beyond me, but it’s certainly an aesthetic tragedy.

As a female, her transformation makes her, at least for a straight guy like myself, unattractive to the point of repulsion, though it should be pointed out that growing older also plays a part in her degradation. As a male, at least a normal one, she doesn’t pass the piss test.

my rating : 1 of 5


Bruna Brasil’s physical appearance

Bruna Brasil's physical appearance Bruna Brasil's physical appearance Bruna Brasil's physical appearance Bruna Brasil's physical appearance

I’ve never been overseas, but I’d love to spend a few nights in Brasil. Her cute rat face, the beady eyes and pointy nose of which remind me of a younger (pre-facelift) Jennifer Love Hewitt, alone makes her an MMA fighter I’d help save money on towels by volunteering to lick the sweat off of between rounds. Her cup size is a lowercase A, but that’s okay. She’s a Special One nonetheless.

my rating : 4 of 5