dreams I had

chancing upon a lunch lady from elementary school

Anderson Silva coming back to the UFC

a girl I was about to date

licking a girl’s pussy

walking to Jacksonville Beach and seeing a huge whale

looking for eggnog at an outdoor Christmas store

searching my house and seeing Fat Joe

visiting a brothel

seeing Morrell on the bus

a girl at my door

being late for work

finally meeting an ex-housemate

being handed a slice of cake

leading the charge against a tyrannical landlady

living in an apartment with a dining room

graduating high school

a new pair of shoes and a dangerous freeway trip

saving the life of someone also named Marcel

walking thru my apartment building

living in a college dorm

Eugene getting knocked out in class

a nude white girl lying on me

a video I shot in a high school science lab

fucking a girl from behind

a five-part Steven Spielberg movie

having an interesting discussion with a woman at a table

staying in a college dorm

watching a video of a girl being killed

overhearing my lesbian roommate have sex

watching My Girl in class

a girl interviewing me for school

living in an apartment in Detroit

meeting Stevie Wonder

having sex with Michelle Waterson

watching a movie that started to become real

my next-door neighbor and a bunch of dogs

a girl who was about to let me put my tongue in her ass

living in a college dorm and seeing an enormous insect

a gay school teacher giving me his phone number

lying to a high school security guard to get out of trouble

a woman named Rebecca

a girl staring at me like she wanted to fuck

driving my cars from a bus

witnessing a crazy traffic collision

being late for class

arguing with Alex Malpass

taking pictures of girls I used to know

two old people who vacationed a lot

being at school with Wendy and Leanne

a co-worker named Eugene

a video girl who seemed to have a crush on me

kissing and fondling a girl named Wendy

living with people and a caged bird

walking to a college campus and teleporting back home to get my car

500 girls at a hotel

a teen prison inmate attempting an escape

a man and a woman near the end of their romance

my car being repossessed

being on a tower and trying to run home before being eaten by lions

attending an event with tables of free White Castle burgers

a parachute man

waiting till the last minutes to study for a college exam

taking notes in a history class

taking a photo of a police officer at my job

seeing an airplane going down outside my window

working in a mansion with Sheila

being trapped nude in a bathroom stall

going to Solomon’s Temple in Detroit

a freaky bisexual girl

meeting a distant cousin

seeing two dragons fighting in the night sky

hiring Pinky and Misty to exercise at my mother’s house

asking for Cap’n Crunch at Target

going back to the past

somehow getting an enormous amount of cash from a bank ATM

trying to interview Hulk Hogan for the site

a girl and her sister

being featured on a “reality” TV show with Jack Osbourne

my boss Heather sitting on my face

working for AVI

being in an elementary school reading class

a beat I made

being at home in my apartment

playing Night Of The Living Dead

trading insults with a girl named Eliza

a tube of peanut butter toothpaste

a girl giving me her baby in Miss Dubose’s class

a sweaty porn girl with amazing tits

going back to the past

a dream I had about chancing upon a lunch lady from elementary school

I was at some kind of live outdoor event, perhaps a political one sponsored by the Department Of Education, when I saw one or two of the lunch ladies from my elementary school; I remember one of them responding negatively to Donald Trump; I’d come across again in real life at Borders as an adult several years later.

I was nearly ecstatic because the earlier bookstore reunion; they didn’t remember me, but I told them they look familiar and that’s when they asked me if I attended the school which instantly reminded me where I knew their faces from; was short-lived. I’d rattled off as many teachers I could think of in those several seconds.

They seemed to remember each name I threw at them; Miss Shaw was one of the first; and gave me a brief update on seemingly every one. Some had died, some retired and others, surprisingly enough, still worked there. I wanted to talk more; the nostalgia was intense, but I didn’t want to take up too much of their time.

I figured I’d never see them again; it was quite unlikely; but there they were, or at least one of them was there, at this event in what I didn’t realize at the time was just a dream. I don’t know whether or not they’re related in real life; at least I don’t remember; but they were sisters, perhaps a set of “three” sisters, in this dream.

There was only one by the time we wound up in some kind of room. Perhaps it was backstage at that same event. She sat on a bed of sorts; the room was almost like a jail cell; with Miranda, a manager from the aforementioned Borders, now working as her apparent caregiver, sitting on a bench or chair beside her. They faced me.

I’d reminded the lunch lady; I’m calling them lunch ladies, but they could’ve worked in the school office; I don’t remember which; of our bookstore encounter from years earlier. It’s been amazingly already almost as many years as it had been since I’d seen them at the time. I told her I wanted to talk more at a later time.

Actually I wanted to talk more right then and there; I wanted to start naming teachers again; besides I’ve forgotten all the details of the previous update; but I didn’t want to pester her. It seemed she’d grown elderly, she seemed to be of poor health, hence the caregiver, and she looked tired. I was going to let her rest first.

2025 February 01

a dream I had about Anderson Silva coming back to the UFC

The title read something like “Anderson Silva Back In The UFC For An Easy Win”. It was a headline that suggested he’d recently re-signed with the promotion, just as I’d read about Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone in real life before falling asleep, which, as a fan; Silva is my favorite fighter; instantly made me click the link to found out more.

It was a video that showed a man in a business suit; a greasy-haired Jacob The Jeweler type. It might’ve even been him. He was sitting behind a desk at what I assumed was his place of business, which could’ve been an MMA gym with all the faceless fighters I saw there; one of which was supposedly scheduled to fight Silva.

It flashbacked to a clip of him trying to fight another man; not Silva; near the entrance of that same business. The front walls were tall and windowed like Firstar Bank in Fort Smith. He was being held back by other men. He looked young; they said he was 20 or 21; and tough. He was average-sized but with a muscular build.

I was concerned not so much for old Silva’s safety but his record. I didn’t want him to come back just to get another loss. The “Easy” bit in the headline made me think it would be, as the pro wrestling world puts it, a jobber, but he looked like he’d knock Silva out or take him down and submit him quickly. Silva apparently didn’t agree.

Silva said with confidence that he’d “beat him”. I think he even said he’ll do it “easy”. I think he was talking to the business man via FaceTime (video) or something. I couldn’t see him, but I could hear him as I magically became part of the scene, standing there in that first (front) room of the business with the presumed owner.

He had a grin on his face as he started singing about Silva coming back to fight. I don’t remember the words but they suggested he wanted Silva to “win” and ended with a line to promote his business. We, his small audience, giggled in response. “That’s the only reason you want him to win,” I said, emphasizing “That”. They laughed again.

By then I’d realized that the link I’d clicked was, as the internet world would say, a clickbait title. What Anderson Silva said about the young fighter was real as was the little scuffle, but they weren’t scheduled to fight and Silva didn’t have a new UFC contract. The 49-year-old (Silva) was probably just joking about beating him easily.

2024 December 28