Thunder CoffeeMilk : Vanilla

Thunder CoffeeMilk : Vanilla

This Thunder tastes better than the Doubleshot version because there’s less Coffee and more Milk, but the name is misleading if not an outright lie. I taste no Vanilla nor is any such flavor included on the short ingredients list. It’s the color of most vanilla drinks though, so I guess that’s supposed to be the link.

my rating : 3 of 5

Thunder CoffeeMilk : Doubleshot

Thunder CoffeeMilk : Doubleshot

This Doubleshot; the most “energizing” CoffeeMilk the Thunder brand has to offer as far as caffeine goes; lives up to the name. It’s a mixture of (“real”) Coffee and (“real”) Milk. The one thing missing from the name is the cane sugar; the third listing on its impressively simply ingredients list; which isn’t sweet enough to counter the fact that you’re drinking coffee.

my rating : 3 of 5

Authentic News [ 2023 December 14 ]