video : a girl trying to explain how I’m wrong about sexual labels


Kutastha :

The most favorable interpretation I can extract from her pansexual vs bisexual argument is to say that a bisexual person would be a person who has separate criteria for what he or she finds attractive in men as opposed to what he or she finds attractive in women, whereas a pansexual person, in contrast, would be someone who has no sex-specific criteria.

Mikko Haavisto :

I agree every species has two sexes (what about down syndrome?), but the word “sex” in sexuality doesn’t mean that the target of sexuality has to be a sex. If you feel sexually attracted to an apache helicopter, I’d say you are apachesexual. The definitions make this a valid view.
definition sexuality: capacity for sexual feelings
definition sexual: relating to the instincts, physiological processes, and activities connected with physical attraction

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