video : Christian girls trying to justify their belief in God


Spicy Shizz :

Faith is not a reliable path to truth

Kaitlyn Lynch :

Yeah, people don’t believe in God until disaster strikes and people are desperate. Only then do you see the athiests begging on their knees for repentance.

Joshua Neal :

That gay girl doesn’t actually believe in Christianity. She just hasn’t realized it yet.

Zaizang McCray :

If you have faith on something it will take a long time when it comes

pizza punk :

hopefully they’ll grow out of it.

shyquil Durham :

God did not give you a choice. The so called devil did. Smh….God Promised Us 1 thing & now Wi’ are losing it. That promise was this PLANET/HEAVEN. Wi’ was to til the GARDENS! Now the so called devil will just deliver your food. Which GARDENS did it come from. That BOoK has mad some dimensia patients all over the World. Definitely delusional. Hollow be thy Name. I wonder why?

This is why we go senile. Smh…creating Hollow Minds from birth. Wooooow. No awareness.

MA2I :

@4:45 thats because its not the word of

@6:25 Just because something is above the rest, don’t mean it doesn’t have a beginning.

“God is above all everything” lol Christians are so sure they have it all figured out.

black lightning :

I like the fact they said. I’m not sure.. Instead of yes there is

robert woolrich :

Its simple. Those that Reject God, reject eternal bliss in heaven, and that choice of rejection is to choose Satan as your eternal company when you die. Its all very simple. We make the choice ourselves.

Good Girl. stand Strong against any Darkness, like Doubt, disbelief, rejection, persecution, Life is all about LOVE. nothing else.

Hey Marcel… Your searching for God or proof of God in other places, you can only find God within yourself, Jesus said, ” the Kingdom of Heaven is Within us. Look inward, and the Key to your inward door is to pray ” the lords Prayer” each night and things will happen to you in time if you make sure you know every word of that prayer when you say it. If your maybe too lazy to pray then your maybe too lazy to find God. It all starts from within you Marcel. Just like the people you interview… It’s all within them. Metaphorically speaking your handing all these people that you interview a bucket, and your asking these people to return
with a bucket full of fear, I think you know Marcel that fear is something within you and you cant run outside and fill a bucket up full of fear and bring it home to show to everyone…Its the same as God, He is within you. he is within everything except Satan.

David James :

Dreadful. Totally brainwashed.

Maurice Nickelson :

Hey Marcel, I too was an atheist/agnostic/scientific/intelligent-minded skeptic of God, just like you; Until my sin got me into trouble, just like the Bible proclaims. So I cried out to the Lord for deliverance from my troubles, and the Lord saved me from my troubles, just like the Bible suggests. I cried out literally and said God, if you are real this is the time to show me, and the Lord saved me from my troubles, just like in Psalms 107:17-22. So then, I began to study diligently and teach the Word of God to my friends. Then, after the euphoria wore of, I wanted to return to my sin, so I asked in prayer for confirmation that the Lord had really saved me. I said to the Lord, if you are indeed real, then you should be able to speak to me more directly and show me you are real more directly, without “hiding behind bushes,” and making me go crazy and delusional, and that you, God, need to tell me if Jesus is really the way to you, so that I will not mislead anyone through my ministry. So at the end of the prayer I gave the Lord my requests to be done solely by the Lord in obvious fashion. I said only after I recieved this confirmation in this way and in obvious fashion, I will continue my ministry. I didn’t really think it would be done, but the Lord did them in such an obvious fashion that my logic and intelligence can’t counter it. So, my point is YOU, YOURSELF, must go to GOD, with a little bit of faith in some of the testimonies you have heard, and ask the Lord to be revealed in your life in a way that is compelling to you. I know you have heard this instruction before, but have you done this with a sincere longing? This is really the only way for you to get the most compelling evidence for which you are looking.

The Spicable Thinker :

“You are confusing “hope” with “faith”. My “faith” is based on my truth “the bible”.
Your truth… my truth…???
There is THE truth.

If you are wrong… (Pascal’s Wager)
etc etc etc…
Stupid Stupid Stupid, Stoopeed Stoopeed Stoopeed!!!!

Jo man :

We all have faith in something that caused everything to exist,nobody knows for sure.
We all know God has to have caused all to exist,which God is the question.
There are many hundreds of prophecys of Jesus coming written hundreds of years before Jesus came,that is a heavy indicator for me.thanks

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