video : believers and nonbelievers talking about Gods


Tyler 1012 :

If you people think god isn’t real you are wrong if you think god isn’t real then who made us people who made the sun who made the moon who made the stars who made all the animals who made reality god will forever exist god performs miracles he has risen from the dead and died for our sins. And god stated in the book of the Bible John and the chapter 3:16 “God gave his one and only son to us to believe in whoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life”.there is proof god is real and you can not question or deny
his love for you

J Thompson :

So if there is a god and he watches everything, all the kids that got molested and/or killed and all the families that have had really bad and unthinkable things happen (IN EVERY COUNTRY), GOD IS WATCHING but this is his will.???????

Kvble :

These peoples mindsets are so broken and pathetic, especially as black people.

Eerie Eyes :

I don’t need proof to say that unicorns exist

TK Englander :

I worked in a rehab facility for a while and most of the graduates thanked god for their recovery. Not one of them ever said anything about being upset with god for allowing them to get addicted in the first place. Hmmmm . . . .

Kenny Ramos :

The fact that the world believes in a thousand gods proves that man made god and not the other way around

The Fearless Rogue :

Marcel, I’m sorry buddy but if you believe a “god” or “grand architect” doesn’t exist then you are in denial. The relationship with us and nature can’t personally make sense to us without a designer to design it because no matter what you be-lie-ve every human being on this planet has a relationship with nature. None of this constitutes religion but it does constitute a designer; hell even Einstein knew there was a designer.

Tips Tricks :

young generation believe in illumanity but. not believe in god judgement day is coming

Voodoo Diecast :

So what those believers are saying that there are millions of god? Because it doesn’t matter what you believe in?

Tommynator666xxx :

I cant explain therefore god.
Well, it doesn’t work that way.

Samuel Pope :

“O’Brien holds up four fingers and asks Winston how many he sees. Four, says Winston. If the Party says there are five, says O’Brien, how many are there? Winston says there are four. O’Brien shocks Winston, again and again, then provides drugs that ease the pain. Winston comes to love and depend on O’Brien, because O’Brien alone can ease the pain. O’Brien informs Winston that his goal is not to extract a confession or punish him, but to cure him—to convert his thinking to that of the Party.
O’Brien is training Winston to be able to look at reality and truly believe that he is seeing something other than what is real. To look at four fingers and not just lie that he sees five, but to truly see five fingers.

Finally, after more torture, Winston gives O’Brien the answers he wants: that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, that he invented the photograph of the three traitors, and that he sees five fingers instead of four. Winston begins to understand and practice doublethink, to refuse to believe what he knows is true, and to truly believe what he knows is not. ”

Substitute the word religion for party and scolds for shocks and affection for drug in the above and ask yourself how much easier would the above process have been if Winston were a child and O’Brien his parent?

Anthony Magnabosco :

Great job. I’d love to video chat with you sometime.

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