I can relate to this woman and what she is saying
People who hear voices in their head telling them to do things are scitzophrenic….unless they are religious then it is ok, apparently.
Miss K :
Lol “It’s almost like my voice…” That should tell you something ๐คโบ
Next time She hears God voice she needs to record it .
ZER0 :
This woman needs counselling.
“its only like my voice….” hmmmm
Big lee :
“It is almost like my voice”, I hear my voice too.
This sister did well.
God will fuรงk you up
The Time Capsule of Patrick and Asia Harris :
Feelings therefore god
It makes me sad to see my people still practicing that cottonfield Christianity that was given to us during slavery to keep us down.This poor sister just don’t get it.She should be ashamed and embarresed to share the same religion as her slave master and oppressor.The most telling thing she said was “gods voice sounds just like my voice”.๐ค
God gave you that massive mole,can you ask him to remove it please?
Zzzzzz… :
I heard God too, he spoke in my ear and whispered “I am not real”…
That’s called intuition lady ๐
Have to give it to the Lady, she handled the questions well and very strong in her convictions.
Someone get her a dooby … I heard it helps schizophrenia
I have had many hallucinations, audio , visual and tactile.
I know that its only my brain malfunctioning sometimes, and take medication to stop them interfering too much with my life.
So god makes time to help her along with her career but, not save kids with cancer?? Yeah he works in ‘mysterious’ ways no doubt. I think god needs to get his priorities straight!
Actually hearing a voice in your head is a symptom of schizophrenia, girl you may need some medical intervention in your life. Or you might just better stay on your meds if you have any.
A V :
I don’t know if I am more uncomfortable by her mental illness or by that mold in her face!
The brainwash is deep…