What’s wrong with us humans to think so badly like this?
This poor guy.So sad.馃様
1) Romans 1:20
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.2) Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please him…3) Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.The Bible is the Lord, Almighty’s declaration or guide to his creation on how to find God. These are the three basic premises you will need to use to find out if the Lord is the one true God.
SCRIPTURE 1) According to God’s Word, your basic evidence of God is the creation of the world and everything in it. Simply put, the simple fact that you and the world exist is evidence there is a Creator.
SCRIPTURE 2) Through this basic evidence you need faith that God exists. Belief in the Almighy God requires a degree of Faith because by definition God is beyond our human minds, logic and understanding because these attributes are finite and God is so infinitely great that our human minds cannot fully comprenhend his existence, except by what the Lord has revealed to us about his own existence, namely through the Bible, which is God’s self revelation by words. Since we cannot ever fully understand an infinite God, faith will always be required, based on the simple fact that you and the world exist.
SCRIPTURE 3: If you want to know if God exists YOU, Marcel, yourself, must seek him with all your heart..
SUMMARY: Your basic evidence of God’s existence is the creation of the world and everything in it, so you are without excuse that there is a Creator. Then by faith in this simple evidence YOU need to seek him with all your heart… and you will find Him. Your other evidences to consider are all the human testimonies and proclaimations of faith that you have heard in person and read in the Bible. You must take these evidences on faith and seek the Lord YOURSELF, with all your heart, then by God’s own proclaimation…you will find Him.
HB :
I salute you Marcel, keep up what you’re doing.
Dear atheists you work sooo hard to prove God does not exist. This on its own is the best prove that God exists.
You can do anything you want, deny God, have fun, try to convince others etc. It’s impossible for you to get true peace till the day you will repent and return towoards the truth (Christ).
Living inside God and denying God is an interesting achievement
bible says
bible says
bible says
321bytor :
mateo633 :
I will give you two proofs that God exists. I hope that you soon see with the vision of a humble servant, and hear with the ears of a sheep that has heard the voice of his shepard. I think you might be close to having your proof. 1.) Look what Pharaoh said to Moses: in Exodus 5:2 Pharaoh said, “who is the LORD, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD and I will not let Israel go.” When we are high on ego we can not see Gods teachings or understandings. Pharoahs heart was like a rock stubborn I don’t think that’s the correct choice to have in front of God. 2.) Proof been that you don’t want to summit to him he will let you believe your own “truths”. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 look for this one and read it. I will give you one last one. For those ppl that ask for proofs like you are doing. Your not the first one. In the time that Jesus was hear on the earth unbelievers who had a stubborn mind asked Jesus for signs “proofs” that he was the Messiah look at what he said to them. Keep in mind that he had already showed himself, performed miracles, and yet ppl didn’t believe. Matthew 16: 1-4 please read it bro. I really hope this isn’t the sign your looking for. My advice to you is that if you really want to know God like you have seen that many of the ppl you question answer you with out a doubt that our God is the one true God. You need to summit to God kneel to him close your eyes and deeply look inside your soul if you happen to not believe in souls either just look inside all that darkness inside I don’t mean darkness as bad just as it is factual we close our eyes we see darkness. Once your there. Bow your head all the way to the ground and speak to HIM GOD ALMIGHTY. Now I know that you don’t know if he exists. You don’t loose anything by searching. Tell him a genuinely question from your very own doubts. Ask him anything you want . Honestly and truly ask him to give you that proof you need, and ask him all this with a truthful humble way. Remember he is our creator the King of Kings. You will find him if you do this. Then you will change in your videos you will see you won’t be asking Christians if they know if there is a God because you will know with out any doubt he exists. Now I Hope the best for you Marcell. I’ll. Keep in tune on your videos I really enjoy them.
M C :
bible says .. there is NO god + Hitchens razor = the burden or proof of god is on you my friend … SHOW ME! I deny all Theist Didacticians ! <3 atheism is the science of proof … but u r ranting idiots .. fuckin lost souls who got F all … sad 馃檨 x i believe NOTHING until u show me the evidence xx ty medecine, ty computers, ty everything that is not blind faith … ‘the bible ‘said’… not ‘says’ x’ ffs xxxx please wake xx
O. G. :
He jawin like a cat right before they want to kill a bird…..holy shit you are making the man short circuit! I love it!
Hi Marcel, Love your vids man. Your style sits nicely between that Anthony Magnabosco dude, and Ted the Athiest. But just want to know, What the hell is going on with this guys glasses? I can’t work it out! haha any ideas? Cheers
It’s really sad watching christians tap dance around questions about imaginary god. I think deep down they know its all Bullshit!
I’ve never understood people that say it’s on you to find proof of their god. If they truly were a god, shouldn’t they know what would convince you of their existence?
” Other gods Don’t exist, I’ve talked to people from other faiths and they tell me that they don’t receive prayers and conclude that they Don’t exist…” SMH He’s obviously never talked to a muslim, who Also uses Faith as a method to conclude a completely Different god and belief system… This fact alone should be painfully Obvious to any rational mind that Faith is Not a reliable method to conclude Anything, let alone a personal god… Another great video, thanks…
remember old fashioned trousers? :
1+1=2 because that’s what you’re taught? I’m pretty sure arithmetic proves that it equals two. Don’t teachers demonstrate arithmetic these days?
That’s wat I like to see wake em up
Are those glasses for real?
The simple fact is, no one can say that they know the god of the bible exists, because every single one of them is quoting someone else, who is quoting someone else, all the way back to the first one who simply made it up.. 100% of the testimony for the existence of the god of the bible, is hearsay. 100% Same with the character known as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, or any other name you choose for the “son of god.” So, belief in this god, is 100% faith in hearsay. people who claim they believe because of personal experience will tell you of a time when something happened that they cannot explain, therefore it has to be an action or intervention of a the god they choose to believe in. Again, no eye witness. No evidence, just the opinion of one who has faith in hearsay. Psychologically,, belief in gods is delusional at best, and a psychotic at worst. 98% of believers in the Christian god, got their belief in childhood. That is indoctrination to mythology at that level, because children cannot comprehend the existence of a supernatural realm. Children therefore have to be taught that this god is a physical being. That is why the human character of Jesus was necessary to maintain the childhood attachment to this god intact. .Understanding the psychology of a devoted Christian believer is very easy. It is the exact psychology of a child at age 4-7, who hasn’t begun to question what he has been told yet. By age 8, you can no longer indoctrinate a child into the Jesus myth, because they will question the impossible nature of the biblical stories, and they will ask questions that cannot be answered with any degree of logic.
There were NO eyewitnesses to Jesus the demigod
so you don’t know if you smart or not lmao fake jesus proven again
really appreciate your effort to make these videos 馃憤
It has probably been said in comments before but “god cannot lie if you seek him he will..” well what about all those devote bible thumpers who in the worst moment called out and nothing happened no sky daddy riding to the rescue? In addition why doesn’t god fix this guys eye sight?
There are books on leprechauns, therefore, leprechauns must exist.
Tracey M :
You say you want proof ” But I don’t believe in a god”
So right there, you will never get your proof, because you aren’t interested in even the concept of God. You’re more determined to be right and debate, more than you are to know God. So you will remain blind.
There is tons of evidence.
i used to not believe, but I had to get to the point where I put aside all my doubt and actually learned…
And it was harder to overcome the years of doubting and negativity I built up, to keep studying and actually understand, rather than reject. Many will easily give up because they don’t want to change.
Belief in God and following his ways will not be easy if you prefer the ways of the world, if you’re not willing to trust to step out in faith to know God and trust him.
So, you can stay in your repetitive cycle and put people down, what does it profit you? You will die in the end and cease to exist.
Meanwhile there is a Creator who loves you, but he will not force you if you rather doubt and reject everything. We have freewill…. Your will to accept God starts the moment you give up rejecting Him.Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled throughout events in world history.
There is archaeological evidence that correlates exactly with biblical accounts of supernatural events, down to specific details…
It is a mathematical improbability that everything came together randomly and works according to the design and laws we see and live by.
There are many layers of evidence that prove God is real.
Just because it doesn’t fit with your standard doesn’t mean God isn’t real.
It just means God isn’t real to you and what you’ve determined God should be like.
God isn’t real to you, based on your lack of knowledge about the layers of evidence that you reject before even learning about them.
You close the door yourself, and every time you do this kind of thing, you drive nails in that door.
So, hopefully you give up, because you’re being led by something negative, instead of the truth and life and light that is God.
This time is temporary for a reason…
God wants us to have eternal life restored.
I will never give up what I know without a doubt to be true.
And just because you may meet Christians who are not solid in their faith, that proves nothing.
If you knew the bible, you would also know that God warns that there will be those who take his name in vain.
They will fall away from the faith, because their faith wasn’t solidified on core truths… They were not true in their faith, and were being led by feelings or anything else.
Geo Sam :
This guy’s first argument is fallacious.
It is the argumentum ad populum (Latin for “appeal to the people”).
It’s a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it: “If many believe so, it is so.”
Which doesn’t makes his first argument fallacious.
Game over, on his first try…This guy is dangerous, because he can justify his belief based on faith. A Faith Based Belief, can be held in spite of or against reason or evidence. Therefore he can believe in anything he wants to based on faith.
Things that are “true”, are true within any viewpoint, because they are demonstrable to everyone regardless of what they believe and where they are in the world.
Things which are “true” are true to everyone.
Marcel, you appear to be a man in search for answers. Let me know if you want to talk bro. 馃檪鉁岋笍
“Bible says …” is such bullshit. People need to read books like David Fitzgerald’s “Nailed” and “Mything in Action” to learn how the NT came together, and all the Gospels are based on scraps of parchment that were edited and altered time and time again, and there are vast and irreconcilable differences between them, especially John. And all of them are anonymous; no one knows who wrote them, other than they were in Greek, not Aramaic, and don’t even claim to be eyewitness accounts; all were written decades after Jesus supposedly died. And there’s no evidence Jesus even existed! And of course the OT is all just ancient Jewish stories. It’s crazy anyone believes the total nonsense of the Bible.
he sound like an Asss
……………….. “JESUS” SAID ……………………. ” LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR ” …………………….. ” LOVE YOUR ENEMIES ” …………………………………….
………………………………………AND THEN “HE” SAID ……………………. ” HATE YOUR FAMILY ” ……………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………………….. WHAT A F*****G IDIOT !!! ………………………………………………………………..