In 1500 years from now, idiots like him will be insisting that Gandalf was real and everything in the Lord of the Rings was factual because it was written in a book.
Stil digging your channel.
Still admiring your way of doing this.I ve yet discussed with a lot of muslims, catholics, jehovah witnesses, but not much with mormons
They sound to be really deep into it.
The second guy is SO young, how could a country let such a kid being indoctrinated like that?
I m shoked (cause i m french…) But seriously,
This mormon thing with kids that are not even able to fix an engine, or to dress themselves by themselves in their own personnal way… Am i the only one to be disgusted about that?
What I like to call “a plausible delusionist’
how do you know what they wrote down is true in the first place
whoa. the dude literally says that if you seek proof god will strike you dumb. i hope he gets help for that
>its apart of God’s plan for us to make our own decisions
That makes no sense
The more ignorant one’s position is the harder it is defended. The poor kids haven’t a clue as to how brainwashed they really are.
Lol All We need is Our Slogans. Thinking must hurt them.
At 3.40 the 2nd guy speaks & says ..” its not very PERNIANT to our salvation lolol that cracked me up Pertinent yes…and these guys are teaching who what? very funny stuff
1234IZM :
When stuck trying to explain your ridiculous beliefs, regurgitate religious dogma
Why would god want ppl to believe in him solely based on faith???
The problem with faith is that you can believe any BS b9ased on faith. Faith is gullibility
I wish you would interview me I am a bible believing Christian who relays only on Christ’s finished work on the cross. You are what the Bible calls a stumbling block for many but that’s ok you will see what separation from god is in hell if you don’t come to the truth. I live in LA so anytime you wanna interview me I’ll answer those questions biblically and with some logic. Btw. Mormons are not Christians anyone who adds or takes away from the gospel of Christ which is 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 let hm be accursed. Even an angel who preaches another gospel. Let him be accursed you my friend need to talk to a Christian who stands firm in Christ alone. The unmovable rock
Christianity is the right religion
3:40 pernient?
“I know God loves us .”
Lol ; first Sherlock you have to established that God exist before jumping to “love us ” .
mormons aint christian. theyre a cult
curtt21 :
Not be coerced to him (god), is what he said at the end there… Lol… they are missionaries, going around trying to coerce people into believing in him, with dumb stories about magic pebbles and shit…
Dosent matter if their mormons theyre defending their belief in god and i applaud that stand in society!!!
Serena60 :
I no longer waste my time trying to talk sense with missionaries, because all they can do is rely on their canned speeches and accusations. If things really get sticky, they will say things like “I sense the spirit of contention here,” thereby attempting to wiggle out of it.
how ridiculous they sound…..i hope one day, these two will look back and laugh.
When logic fails and your attempts to dodge the questions aren’t working, bear your testimony. That seems to be the go to response for most Mormons when faced with challenging questions. The good news is 50% of LDS missionaries leave the church within a year of returning home, and thanks to you pointing out the flaws in their logic, you probably just increased the chances that they will be part of that 50%. Well done.
Geo Sam :
Feelings are not facts.
Scientific facts are not based on feelings.In science, a fact is a repeatable careful observation or measurement (by experimentation or other means), also called empirical evidence.
Facts are central to building scientific theories. Various forms of observation and measurement lead to fundamental questions about the scientific method, and the scope and validity of scientific reasoning.
In the most basic sense, a scientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation, which is intended to explain or interpret facts.Scientific facts are generally believed independent of the observer: no matter who performs a scientific experiment, all observers agree on the outcome.
In addition to these considerations, there are the social and institutional measures, such as peer review and accreditation, that are intended to promote factual accuracy (among other interests) in scientific study.All of their statements are fallacious and they make claims, which they do not have any proof of.
They say they know how god feels about they. They use faith to pretend to know things they do not know.In the words of Matt Dillahunty: Faith is not a pathway to truth, faith is Gullibility.