video : me talking about women who wait years to accuse men of sexual assault

chorus | music … Marcel Lee


Keats :

Someone didn’t pass their 5th grade English class.

Fred Smith :

There was a case in the UK of a famous DJ, who often sexually assaulted women and girls. No action was taken and no voices actually believed until he died. Then the stories came out, many survivors spoke out. If survivors of sexual assault speak out years later and their ellegations are then recorded and cross referrenced it’s possible to see a pattern of events, what might be called a modus operandi, such a pattern can be called evidence when individuals who had never known each other speak out of similar experiences and they can confirm physical characteristics or details of event that happened at the time. Then their allegations must be believed, each confirms the other. To disregard this would be to disregard justice itself.

WarmWeenies Doxie Sweaters :

It took me 40 YEARS to get “brave” enough to tell my horror story (this is extremely common among survivors, especially older ones). And then I told my mom first.. then the floodgates of freedom opened when the terrible burden of (misplaced) shame and fear lifted themselves from my very tired old shoulders .. now I tell anyone I even remotely trust with the truth. You need to educate yourself on this subject and then apologize to half the human race. I think you mean well, but this kind of thinking perpetuates the rape culture we live in and you are doing harm.. even if it’s unintentional.

JanderVK :

You can argue logic & reason why there is no god (maybe just parroting), but you don’t have the critical thinking skills as to why women wouldn’t come forward when being assaulted/raped by rich & powerful men in a society that shames women’s sexuality and victim blames. Right.

LacyBeee :

lol I need the link to the song in the background please!!!!

Nicova09 :

I get where you’re coming from. As a woman I don’t want to feel like I am not believing my other fellow women who have gone through something as traumatic as rape, but at the same time it does seem like it is becoming a trend. Almost like the boy who cried wolf. I think the issue is like you said the lack of evidence necessary in order to ruin these men’s lives. It’s like a woman so much as mentions rape with no evidence yet presented and people automatically believe her and he is labeled as a rapist and his life and career suffers. I think people in general can be opportunistic enough to see the opportunity to gain fame or money through these claims with very little to no evidence and want to take advantage. I have had many creepy things happen throughout my life involving men crossing a line and sometimes you are afraid to say anything, and then even when you do people don’t want to listen and turn on you. So on the other hand I believe we shouldn’t dismiss women who make a claim and allow them to have their story heard and considered, but don’t just automatically take it as fact until the evidence has been evaluated. It’s only fair. You can’t be going around making claims on heresay.

yellowpeteLoL :

I don’t think lying about this is quite as common as you seem to think it is, but it certainly happens occasionally and is very harmful both to the accused as well as to actual abuse victims. I agree that we should not handle this differently from any other crime, where the defendant is innocent until proven guilty. It really sucks that we might not have enough evidence in many cases, but I think the risk of destroying innocent people’s lives is a greater one than the risk of letting some people get away with their crime. And in cases of provably intentionally false and malicious accusations (not just lack of evidence), the law should be equally harsh on the accuser as it would have been on the perpetrator.

Protoman :

Damn, you’re one insecure dude.

Corporal Clegg :

Dude….This is NOT very intelligent. You are not being very insightful here to say the least.

David Hernston :

Wow. I’m disappointed. I’ve liked a number of your videos but I think I have to say goodbye now.

Instrumentals4Sale :

complex issue. There is and should always be a balance between protecting the accuser and the accused – and that is called Justice.

Pretty Prudent :

I’m sorry, but you look like you’re about to hit yourself in the face , Buddy. D-amn!

SailingSeignior :

Why did the boys that were raped by Catholic priests wait until they were men to report it? I don’t think you understand the psychological factors that inflict human beings that are the victims of sexual assault.

Dylan LeRoy :

I liked that song he played in the background

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