video : a Christian talking about his belief in God


Jesus Is God :

I can answer your questions.

heckle9 :

I don’t understand how anyone should feel pride in being “believer”. How is it “belief” if you “know” it?
Anything we know (to near certainty), the word “belief” is not used. Maybe I’m wrong ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Sanguis Dominus :

Fuckin’ idiot.

b b :

It’s a shame that he stuffs the small amount of brain power he has with a bunch of useless nonsense that was beaten into his ancestors by the men who owned them.

Brad Chervel :

Not a bright person…sad that is what religion preys upon.

Mike C :

Love your YouTube, Marcel.

Rise Last :

A3Kr0n :

It’s amazing I could hear anything at all but his voice punched right through.

Black atheist millionaire :

My people are so brainwashed by the religion that they got from the slave master.๐Ÿ˜ข

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