She wanted to feel “something” and she felt it. Then she attributed the feeling to what she already believed.
Grogu :
La ni帽a es muy estupido
I can answer your questions.
The very fact that you are asking her a moral question about her “god” presupposes that you have a moral standard by which you are judging her “god”. (i.e her god ought to stop rape) If there is no God, what is your moral standard grounded in? Where do your moral standards come from? If your moral standards do not transcend human thought like the christian God does then your standards come from humans and humans are evil, therefore morals are just subjective. And moral subjectivity is unlivable.
Also, an answer to your If God, why evil question. I hope this brings you clarity;
For all of this sin and evil god will forgive you if you鈥檙e sincere. There鈥檚 ONE sin that is unforgivable, that鈥檚 the blasphemy or non belief of god. Namely the Christian god!
This is sad but also funny.
Tim C :
These apologetics seem to be an audible pile of bullshit.
The guy who interviewed her ,says if there’s a God . How does he think humans came about ? Thru aliens ,. Look at nature sum thing must of created it ?
Someone get her to watch this video: https://youtu.be/4ltduYpLoag
Damn she’s delusional. Typical christian.
You can almost hear the gears in her brain trying to justify her self-contradictory beliefs.
Then can/will god punish himself for the sin of not stopping the rape/murder he was all-present for?
Um, well, but this and that…
Apologetics 101
She obviously has never been questioned about her failed belief system.
Tragicly lost girl… 馃槕
she is a sweet, caring and seemingly intelligent girl. but completly delusional.
I sincerely hope this young women watches this video and reflects on these answers.
I keep hearing about the Christian Bible and sin. If sin is the real problem then god should have did something to reduce or stop sin. Because he鈥檚 so called loving and understands us!!
Wow, the mental gymnastics on display is disturbing.
If this is the “best possible world that God could make” he cant be omnipotent. This world is a mess. And what does that say about Heaven? If this is truly the “best possible world that God could make”?? That would make the prospect of Heaven a lie.
If the “world reflects both his goodness and his wrath”, then he cant be “all loving”. His wrath clearly demonstrates at the least, his occasional lack of love.
Every time you try to pin her down on her personal experience, she reflexively defaults to the collective “we believe”. Its a sure sign of the brainwashing. She said “we believe” about 20 times here.
“We can’t understand scripture until we have the spirit within us.” and it’s our fault if that doesn’t happen?!! Brilliant! This God cant lose!! 馃槀
Amazing how a person can regurgitate so much without thinking.
Next time ask if they think prevention is better than punishment. Because I noticed she never did address the victim’s role in gods “love”.
EN2Edge :
The brainwashing it deep
You should check out the tactics of street epistomology. Think it would aid in these conversations
She says we believe so often because she鈥檚 brainwashed and cannot think for herself
And FYI there are thousands of contradictions in the Bible.
Damn. I’m speechless and she’s sleep! Wtf? How in the world did you stand there and listen to that! That’s absolutely insane.