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- Advanced Adam
- Anthony
- Babyface
- BB Bad
- Bitch
- Blue
- Bluegene
- Body
- Bruce
- Bull
- Camillion
- Chest
- Crusher 2
- Dino
- Eliminator
- Face
- Flash
- Flibsy
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- G2
- Garbage Man
- Giant
- Golden Johnson
- Good Guy
- GS
- Gum Man
- Hebrew
- Ironfist
- Johnny V
- Karate
- Kato
- Killer
- Lance
- Magic Man
- Minni
- Mite
- Most Wanted
- Motion
- Mr Sinsay
- Multiplication Man
- Muscle Bond
- Muscle Man
- Nasty
- Nemesis
- Night
- No Pain
- Nonstop
- Painkilla
- Pink Man
- Punisher
- Red
- Redrum
- Sarah Mckimsey
- 747
- Scarface
- Shewolf
- Slimeball
- Slycheek
- Steve
- Street Hustler
- Sumo
- Tam
- Terry T
- The Bodyguard
- The Bulley
- The Corpse
- The Rocket
- The Stalker
- The Stopper
- The Thief
- Trickster
- Turbo 2000
- Turbo X
- Ultra The Overseer
- Unstoppable
- Ursus
- U2
- Weak Man
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