This man is asking valid questions. All Christians needs to be prepared to express the reason for their beliefs/faith… but of course everyone can’t answer all the possible questions.
Faith is for suckers.
ezz il :
Change each use of the word ‘god’ to the word ‘leprechaun’ and then what?
Katalyzt :
I like your Leprechaun examples to show these ignorant people how ridiculous their belief in their (by definition) imaginary god is. ;O)
This sounds like weed talk
Jay :
You don’t pound these fuckers good enough marcel . First of all, an all powerful being cannot exist, for eg. Can god create a rock that is so heavy that he can鈥檛 lift it ??? If the answer is yes, then can god lift it ?? Therefore the answer will be no. So therefore an all powerful being cannot exist .
Sad really.
I’m starting to believe that FAITH really means Fickle Anecdote Infesting Theism Horror.
The “simpel-folk”!!!!
Maksie0 :
Man created God in his own image.
This guy made no sense whatsoever
M C :
This is the best question … Why life.. why me.. why now …. ? This is why Gods exist … Fk the leprechauns btw xx 馃槢 but ty @Marcel u a clear head amongst the FUG
If there were no Bible or historical accounts of Jesus or archaeological evidence for the Bible, then the claim of God would be almost just as valid as leprechauns.
mental gymnastics to say a God exists should give you a clue.
Gabriel :
Jesus doesn t want you have a blind faith. What he wants is a living relationship. God wants you to put him to the test, but in the most sincere way. The fact is that everyone believes in something, but with time every belief is put to the test, and if it s a lie, it will crumble, but if it is true it will stand.
Leprechauns may have existed. Perhaps they were a group of people in Ireland back in the day. Then stories get told and expanded upon. Then it becomes folklore. Or fake news as we call it now. However the data regarding Leprechauns in minimal at best. The Bible at least has significant scientific and historical evidence to back up much of it’s data.
What is interesting is that once you agree that God does not exist, then–when your worldview is actually thought through–our existence and the purpose for our lives becomes so utterly meaningless.
When I listened to this video and considered the conversation and the two presuppositions behind both worldviews (because they are there and it is impossible to escape them and I am well aware of my own in this post), then I came to the conclusion right away that it is very difficult to understand why Marcel Lee would even want to do these kinds of videos or why the atheist desires to have an angry opinion about the Christians views in them. I say all that because–just like our lives in a Goddless universe–the conversation was meaningless.
I do not know much about you Marcel because I just came across your channel today, but hear this:
Don’t you think that it is interesting that when you come to the logical conclusion of atheism that you really shouldn’t care or not care about what you are doing? There is no purpose in it man because according to you we live in a purposeless universe.
What I mean is that: So what if you are right and there is no God? If when you die you are done and that is it then so what? Is it wrong or right to convince people that belief in God is folly? If it is right by what standard? Just yours or the consensus the community? IF that is what determines what you ought to do or ought not to do then wasn’t what the Nazis did to the Jews useless either way and not really wrong because it was what they deemed as ok as individuals and as a community? These are all rhetorical questions to point out that you do disagree with and believe that they were wrong… Ask the question: How do I know that anything that is “immoral” is wrong if life is all meaningless or relative?
10 out of 10 people die and according to the atheist that is the end and we simply return to non-existence.
Let me ask you because I might be assuming that you agree that truth is relative: Do you think that there is an ultimate standard by which we can judge what is right or wrong? If there is something else that happens when you die that you know of then let me ask how do you know that? Just blind faith? Or just some hope that maybe there is something? Why should I believe that? These last three were rhetorical questions…
The thing is that we know for a fact that no one can stay in that worldview for long, and the proof for that is that nobody will say that there is no purpose. That also includes the person that professes that the universe is purposeless, and I say this because their mouth is saying one thing but their actions say another: No one lives as if life was meaningless and the truth was relative. So how do we actually define those things then? Now I’m actually more concerned about you realizing that your are just suppressing like you would a inflated balloon underwater the God you know, because we have all been created and know Him through the things that have been made. Science has absolutely no meaning apart from Him because our lives are meaningless without Him. Yet you deny Him? The reason that you believe that there is a point or that there is an ought to do something right, like stop a mugging or protect your family, is because you are created in the image of God and He has written His moral law on your conscience. His reality and being pierce so sharp and yet we choose to ignore it. The reason we don’t steal is because God is not a thief and the reason that we do not believe that it is right to let our family die is because God is love, the reason that cheating is wrong is because God is faithful. The Lord defines reality and you cannot escape that reality because it is reality! No matter how much you will deny that He is not there your conscience bears witness to it through your actions because you act as if there is a moral standard by which we should abide. It just proves you are a sinner like me. I remember when I did this all the time!
I can’t prove to you through evidence in the world that God exists because it will never be enough no matter how conclusive it is. Intelligent deseign? Everything has to have a builder? The absuderdity of everything coming from nothing? Never will it convince you becuase we do not want to believe and that is something that He has said about us in His word. (Romans 1:18)
I encourage you to watch this video, but I leave this long rant with this other shorter long rant:
God is good. He created all things by the word of His power and that includes us. He created us with intrinsic value and worth and is moving the universe along in His good purpose. We find our fulfillment of joy when we are most satisfied in Him, but we do this thing called sinning, meaning that even though this good God is worth more than all of us combined we hate Him and deny Him; therefore, He gives us up to what we want most. The good news is that He being rich in mercy even though we were dead in our sins, and would be rightly condemned and He would be just in passing over us, He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to live a perfect life on earth as the God-man in 33 years that we could never live for 33 seconds. Then at the end of that 33 years this sweet Savior offered Himself up on a Roman cross to be crucified, but what was terrible on that day for Him was not the bloodiness and pain of it–though if you want to know how serious sin is then there you go the Son of God dieing on the tree for our sins a gruesome death–He was facing the wrath of God in His peoples place! He rose on the third day claiming the victory over sin and death!
The reality is that no human being is good and the evidence of that is that we break God’s commandments: We steal, we commit adultery (Jesus says whosoever looks at a woman with lust has committed adultery with her in His heart), we take His name in vain the One who gave us life: the point is that there is something dark inside us and it is committed against God, but the thing is that He can declare us righteous if we but repent of our sins (that is turn away) and put our trust in Jesus Christ. Why put our trust in Jesus Christ? Because there is nothing that you can dod to save yourself except to trust Him like you would trust a parachute. He is the propitiation for our sins. Come to Christ…
As soon as faith comes in, game over! Blind belief without evidence.
321bytor :
Wow. As an American citizen he has access to a wealth of information…yet he’s full of absolute shit. Young people with no idea at all. What do they teach in schools in the USA?!
G. Reid :
Not even a minute in and he’s arguing from design and special pleading.
A3Kr0n :
We’re just debris floating in the quantum foam of some alien’s adult beverage. It’s what I believe and I have faith that it’s true.
Christianity-the belief that God sacrificed God to God to save God’s creations from God.
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Jesus is a human being God creates him and creates us all
I believe Jesus is still alive God raised him and he will be back on earth
It’s sad watching otherwise intelligent people, trying to rationalise the irrational nonsense they’ve been taught to believe.
So if jesus, helps christians through the hard times, who helps the atheists through the hard times? If jesus gives christians their hope, then where do atheists get their hope? Maybe it’s the faith in leprechauns that gets atheists through hard times. Let’s pray to the leprechaun god that all christians learn to use their logic.
You are the fabrication and your Maker is the reality. Mindless objects can’t make you.
Catholic priest spoiler – right at the end – “we’re here to enter Christ Jesus” WTF! Thank you Marcel for bringing us this confirmation.
That was a good opportunity to ask: If anyone can use faith to reach any conclusion about the existence of anything, like the leprechauns or other Gods, how can this be a reliable method to know what is actually true?