video : Christians and an atheist talking about whether or not a God exists


A_ :

The habitable zone of a solar system is actually pretty wide. Also, It’s pretty egocentric to assume that we can’t be a coincidence. The universe is unfathomably large. For all we know, we aren’t unique at all.

rbspider :

I have a lot of faith , ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

O. G. :

shifty eyes again.

ssabykoops :

when i die i hope im dead ,,, you know? like i was a 100 years ago!.

Joseph Stokes :

Wow! We have no shortage of brain dead zombies! Thanks for the video! Religion remains the cancer of the intellect of our planet.

Neaves Collection :

That guy said you have to first believe in God then ask him if he exists? Smh

ghost L :

God can help people find faith in Him. He gives faith, as well as reason to believe that He exists, and that he rewards those who seek Him. But some don’t have this gift, so it seems they range from denial to delusion, or some form of natural leaning. Yet through what science and human nature can observe and test in this present world, it can be clearly discerned that God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, can be understood from what has been created. And so the investigation of the eternal God continues for the human race. Those from long ago concluded that in Him we live and move and have our being. Somehow, human beings have some level of ability to reach out and perhaps to find God, though He is not far from any of us. May you find faith, and then share hope with others along life’s path.

Crazy As it is :

Stop, stop, stop, Holy fuck, are the American kids that stupid? Glad I live in the developed site of the world, Europe,……

The Guy is the most stupid one,….he looks gay,…hahaha

Macca Lives :

So…. It never occurred to that bloke that we’re on Earth because it’s positioned where it is, rather than the Earth being positioned where it is because we’re here? I mean, he’s got to know that if Earth was located elsewhere and a different planet existed in its place, then human life would’ve evolved on that planet and not on Earth…. right? What is it with these people thinking the universe changed to accommodate humans rather than humans evolving to survive in the universe as it is?

marvel something :

the second guy has Nathan Stathams forehead

balzonurchin :

Faith is what you have when you have no good reason for belief.

Evening of the Undead :

When my sister was 4 years old, she had mrsa. Boils began to grow all over her body.
When she walked, the boils on her legs would rub against eachother, and pus would leak from the boils.
When we took her to the hospital, they gave her antibiotics, but they weren’t helping her. The doctor said, “If she starts avoiding bright light and wants to be left alone, bring her back”
She stopped playing, she stayed in her room, and kept the lights off which she said bothered her, so my mother told her she was going to see the doctor.
My sister was holding a Bible, she kept trying to get my mother to read it.
My mother told her that we need to go to the doctor. She said firmly, “I’m not going to the doctor, until you read this.”
My sister never read the Bible until that day, but she did believe in God. The verse she wanted her mother to read was this;

2 Kings 20:7 “And Isaiah said, ‘Take a lump of figs’ and they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered.”

My grandmother knew exactly where we could find a fig tree. So she and my mother (Deciding it was worth a shot, since we were completely out of options) left and came back with a bunch of figs, they made a paste out of the figs and put it on a few boils to test it. The next day, the boils were completely gone. Not even a single scar was left. So they covered the rest of the boils in the fig-paste and the next day, they vanished and never turned up again.

People say there are tons of religions that say there’s some form of deity. But the Bible is the only one that has been confirmed to be scientifically accurate with more than 40,000 pieces of archaeological evidence to confirm that most of the places, people and creatures of the Bible actually existed at some point in time (The Dragon being the obvious acception, seeing as it is merely symbolic of terrifying power). An average 2500 prophesies were made in the bible and about 2000 were 100% fullfilled, the other 500 are to be fullfilled during the events surrounding the return of Christ.

If you ever find something in the Bible that says something which sounds ridiculous, do some research on what that verse means.
Some people think unicorns are in the Bible but these “Ferocious”, “Untamable” creatures are actually referring to what we call a Rhino. It’s scientific name: Rhinoceros Unicornis. It is most likely the Elasmotherium that is the “Unicorn” described in the Bible.
The leviathan and behemoth: accurate descriptions of the Sarcosuchus Imperator and the Brontosaurus.

93BlackViper :

“Most of the people want proof” These are called rational and sceptical people.

Mnemosyne Trident :

Marcel I’d like to share a book with you.

It is the core book of Falun Dafa entitled ‘Zhuan Falun’. It talks about spiritual things from a scientific perspective. It talks about other dimensions, the soul, the cosmos in the microcosm and the macrocosm, supernatural abilities, karma, healing, the true history of mankind, transcending the 5 elements and leaving the 3 realms and many many other fascinating things.

It is a spiritual science of the highest order. I’ll give you a copy and you can take a look if you like, totally up to you ofcourse:

Mysterious Stranger :

IF …there were a god who fit the description that most believers claim, that being would easily be able to make its existence and plans totally and unambiguously clear to everyone, everywhere, so there would be no argument. The fact that hardly anyone can agree, particularly the believers themselves, and belief is primarily based on geography, is proof enough to me that it’s all fantasy.

EVEN IF…”intelligent design” could be proven to any reasonable degree, the only thing that could be inferred from that conclusion, is a designer, period. The only type of designer that could be inferred by any honest assessment of the world we live in, would be an amoral or prankster creator.

All other attributes that theists apply to this “designer” are projections of what the believer(s) wish for.

rstevewarmorycom :

You’re dumb as a stump.

Pakidis1979 :

marcellee, are you trying to find answers, or just trying to stump people. I ask because, if you are looking for answers I would be interested in having a discussion with you and giving you the most comprehensive answers I can.

hipdead :

Excellent work Marcel! It’s encouraging to see more and more African American Atheists.

Exiled_Londoner :

I do like Mr. Lee’s non-confrontational style, but (as I may have commented before – can’t remember) he has more patience than me. These people are idiots (except for the blonde lass in the bins) who don’t know how to think critically and who don’t know, and don’t care, about the difference between knowledge and belief/opinion. This is not just logically wrong, irrational and fallacious; it is also dangerous… it is a threat to us all, to our children and grandchildren and to the future of our species. These are the same kind of peole who deny climate change and global warming because they don’t want to believe in it (and don’t want to face up to the need for drastic change). These are the same people who refuse to accept the inescapable mathematical FACT that an economic system based on permanent, never-ending growth within a closed ecosphere (except for sunlight) with finite resources, an ever growing human population and increasing food insecurity for much of the planet makes a catastrophic come-uppance a virtual certainty. They do not accept the logic or the rationale of evidence; they think facts are optional and matters of personal preference (like Trump’s spokeswoman) and that their personal feelings are as valid as hard evidence when determinig what is true.

If it was just these people who were affected by their delusions then I wouldn’t care too much (apart from having some compassion and pity for people who live their lives in a ridiculous fantasy world) but the problem is that beliefs dictate actions and their actions (and inactions) are profoundly threatening to all of us.

Lawrence Stanley :

A Creator God is a logical necessity based on the contingent nature of the physical universe.

Because the physical universe is contingent, it is not eternal. (Eternity means stability and immutability of essence, the impossibility of origin, cessation, or change, but matter/energy is in its essence a compendium of forces and potentialities; it is relativity itself, totally caught up in living, changing, and dying, ergo matter and energy are not eternal) Every physical (natural) entity is contingent and therefore has a cause, and because causal chains cannot be of infinite length, because that would be an effect without a cause, if you were able to follow the causal chain back to the very beginning where the very first physical entity was effected into being, it’s cause HAD to be supernatural, since the “natural” was not yet in existence, something cannot come from nothing, something cannot “be” before it “is,” and nothing can create itself (not even God).

Others have said that we cannot talk about the origins of the universe since time itself did not exist before the universe began to expand at the Big Bang, so we just cannot know. However, since time is viewed as the progression of sequential relationships between two or more contiguous events, if there was indeed a point when there was no such thing as time, but assuming the universe did exist in some previous form, be it as a singularity, a quantum vacuum, or whatever, then because there was no time, then there would be no progression from the universe’s previous condition from “A” where there was no time to, “B” where there is time. Hence, if there was a point when there was no time, then there never would be time unless some supernatural (outside of nature) force created it.

Contingent beings are insufficient to account for the existence of contingent beings in the ultimate sense. Frederick Copelston once said, “If you add up chocolates, you get chocolates after all and not sheep. Therefore if you add up contingent entities, you are still left with contingent entities, and not an eternal one”: there must exist a necessary, non-contingent, supernatural being whose non-existence is an impossibility, and from which the existence of all contingent, physical beings are derived (Hebrews 11:3).

James Apperson :

I think it’s easier to get someone in an Abrahamic religion
to question their theism
by showing how all of their feelings, intuitions, and life-experiences
could just as easily be attributed to deism.

I’m not a deist.
I’d never pretend to be one, in any serious context.
But most Christian and Muslim (and Jewish, but it almost never comes up)
actually have zero dependency on that ‘source’ being Yahweh or Jesus, “even if” (for argument’s sake) they are right that there is something outside the purview of science going on there.

If Ray Comfort (for example) started telling me about how wonderful the “feeling” is
and how it’s a “real feeling”,
and he just “knows” instinctively that it’s not just hormones or other mere biological effects …
there is zero chance of getting him to question that with any sincerity.
But it’s very possible to plant a deistic seed there
and to see it start to sprout.

If they can ease up on their fundamentalism,
it’s the equivalent of smoothing the points on a tiger’s teeth;
they may still go out there preaching,
but it won’t be as doctrinal, so it won’t be as harmful to our world.

So I’d probably question the need to assume or assign a gender, to start with.
It’s pretty silly, really, to infer male chromosomes, genitals, sexual identity, or sexual interests to such a being.
Chip away at the extraneous bells and whistles that needlessly anthropomorphize the perceived source,
and guide them gently through the process of realizing that
‘whatever’ they’ve experienced
they still would have experienced
even if it’s some ‘other’ god doing it,
even if the explanation is deistic instead.

-not under the pretense of myself being a deist,
but just as a friendly conversation about the realm of possibilities.

It’s a domino that might topple others soon after.

The Freelance Scientist :

This really shows how misled and people are. we need to keep talking about atheism and spreading the word.


“Faith doesnt make things true, but it doesnt make things untrue”
Response: “Is faith a reliable way to know if something is true? There are thousands of faith based religions and millions if not billions of examples of people using faith to believe in something. Even if one of them where true but all the others are not, how reliable does that make faith as a means of knowing if something is true?”

Bill Garthright :

“And how do you know that?”

“Well, I believe…”

What you believe isn’t the question. Almost every theist believes in whatever god he was taught as a child (or, at least, the god of his friends and family). There are converts, yes, but they are rare.

But none of that answers the question of how you know what you claim to know. What method do you use to distinguish reality from delusion and wishful-thinking? That is the question.

john hammond :

So here we are in the 21st century and a lot of us homo sapiens are still believing in the supernatural….sigh!

A V :

Again the mental health system has failed! Ask God himself if he exist ? huh lmao

Tejas Green :

So many people are so deluded. Sad. Gods are all make believe bullshit.

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