main camera : Panasonic Lumix GH7
main lenses :
Panasonic Lumix G 25-millimeter F1.7 [ H-H025 ] :
- type : prime | standard
- focus type : manual | auto
- minimum focus distance : about 9.84 inches ( 0.82 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 46 millimeters
- weight : about 125 grams
- main use : one person talking
- other uses : one girl modeling
- newest video : a theist claiming to know a God exists without proof
Panasonic Lumix G 42.5-millimeter F1.7 [ H-HS043 ] :
- type : prime | standard
- focus type : manual | auto
- minimum focus distance : about 1.2 feet
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 37 millimeters
- weight : about 130 grams
- main use : one girl modeling ( face and body parts )
- other uses : concerts | food
- newest video : Hughes Taylor performing : Born Under A Bad Sign
Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 9-millimeter F1.7 [ H-X09 ] :
- type : prime | wide-angle
- focus type : manual | auto
- minimum focus distance : about 3.74 inches ( 0.31 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 55 millimeters
- weight : about 130 grams
- main use : two or more people
- other uses : one girl modeling ( full body ) | rooms | vehicles
- newest video : a rainy drive thru northern Florida
Olympus M-Zuiko Digital ED 30-millimeter F3.5 :
- type : prime | standard ( macro )
- focus type : manual | auto
- minimum focus distance : about 3.72 inches ( 0.31 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 46 millimeters
- weight : about 128 grams
- main use : small things like insects
- other uses : one person talking
- newest video : a Bible tract I found on a shelf at Walmart
Olympus M-Zuiko Digital ED 40-150-millimeter F4.0-5.6 [ R ] :
- type : zoom | telephoto
- focus type : manual | auto
- minimum focus distance : about 2.95 feet
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 58 millimeters
- weight : about 190 grams
- main use : anything far away
- other uses : skittish animals
- newest video : lens tests at a beach in Florida
Brightin Star 35-millimeter F0.95 [ Night God ] :
- type : prime | standard
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 10.25 inches
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 52 millimeters
- weight : about 369 grams
- main use : anything at night
- other uses : anything in low light
- newest video : ?
Samyang SY85M-MFT 85-millimeter F1.4 [ AS IF UMC ] :
- type : prime | telephoto
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 3.6 feet
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 72 millimeters
- weight : about 565 grams
- main use : one girl modeling ( face or body parts )
- other uses : food | anything far away in low light
- newest video : Bike Week in Daytona Beach
Samyang 7.5-millimeter F3.5 :
- type : prime | wide-angle ( fisheye )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 3.48 inches ( 0.29 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 60 millimeters
- weight : about 190 grams
- main use : landscapes
- other uses : anything I need an extremely wide angle of
- newest video : sunset at a bay in Florida
Lightdow 500-millimeter F8 :
- type : prime | telephoto ( reflex )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 4.5 feet
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 72 millimeters
- weight : about 460 grams
- main use : anything very far away
- other uses : skittish animals
- newest video : a Sunday at Florida’s Paynes Prairie
C-mount lenses :
Arducam 8-50-millimeter F1.4 [ C2308ZM50 ] :
- type : zoom | wide-angle to standard
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : none at “8mm” | about 17 feet at “50mm”
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 40 millimeters
- newest video : ?
Focusafe 25-millimeter F1.4 [ FS2514MC ] :
- type : prime | standard ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 1.58 feet
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 32 millimeters
- newest video : a Sunday at Florida’s Paynes Prairie
Focusafe 35-millimeter F1.6 [ FS3516MC ] :
- type : prime | standard ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 1.25 feet
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 37 millimeters
- newest video : me talking about innocent people going to prison
Focusafe 35-millimeter F1.7 [ FS3517MC ] or Fujian China 35-millimeter F1.7 [ GDS-35 ] :
- type : prime | standard ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 11.76 inches ( 0.98 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 39 millimeters
- newest video : a Fujian China 35-millimeter F1.7 lens test
Focusafe 50-millimeter F1.4 [ FS5014MC ] :
- type : prime | standard ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 3.25 feet
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 39 millimeters
- newest video : ?
ZLKC 6-millimeter F1.4 [ VM0612MP ] or Focusafe 6-millimeter F1.4 [ FS0614MC3MP ] :
- type : prime | wide-angle ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 1.31 inches ( 0.1 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 33 millimeters
- newest video : a Sears 1980 Christmas Book
ZLKC 8-millimeter F1.4 [ VM0812MP ] or Focusafe 8-millimeter F1.4 [ FS0814MC3MP ] :
- type : prime | wide-angle ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 2.5 inches ( about 0.2 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 33 millimeters
- newest video : You’ll All Burn In Hell
ZLKC 16-millimeter F1.6 [ VM1616MPC ] or MSHiWi 16-millimeter F1.6 [ MS-FM1616-5MP | CW-FM1616-5MP ] :
- type : prime | standard ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 5.5 inches ( 0.45 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 34 millimeters
- newest video : me talking about Trump and people who hate him
ZLKC 25-millimeter F1.4 [ VM2514MPC ] or MSHiWi 25-millimeter F1.4 [ MS-FM2514-5MP | CW-FM2514-5MP ] :
- type : prime | standard ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 7 inches ( 0.58 feet )
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 33 millimeters
- newest video : ?
MSHiWi 35-millimeter F1.7 [ MS-FM3517-5MP | CW-FM3517-5MP ] :
- type : prime | standard ( CCTV )
- focus type : manual
- minimum focus distance : about 1.16 feet
- diameter ( for caps and hoods ) : 34 millimeters
- newest video : ?