audio review : a DM Records compilation : Adventures In Car Audio Software

audio review : a DM Records compilation : Adventures In Car Audio Software

This is supposed to be music for cars and it starts off with Velocity, but it goes off track along the way. It’s ultimately a random collection of Bass songs from DM Records, most of which you could’ve already heard on the Bass Explosion set. The inclusion of a Bass Invaders album prelude shows just how haphazardly these Adventures were put together.

That’s a shame because the concept suggests an anthemic compilation for Car Audio enthusiasts. Sub Culture and Cyber Travel get it right; the best songs are the ones by Bass 305; but the Space music should’ve been saved for the Rocket Audio version. The album’s biggest blunder though is that it isn’t mastered correctly if at all. Some tracks are louder than others.

my rating : 2 of 5


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