Madonna is Iconic. Now that Michael is dead, she’s the biggest music artist alive, but you wouldn’t know it by listening to this album. She’s long been overrated to me, so I’m not surprised, but these songs are so-so. Inside Out at least has a pleasant chorus. If more songs did, Rebel Heart could be something relatively special. As is, it isn’t even on par with her previous release.
MDNA; even when her vocals dissatisfies, as it often does; pulsates with innovative club beats. Rebel Heart sounds more like the cookie-cutter pop fluff they play too much on the radio these days. But forget innovation. That’s unnecessary, especially at this point in her career. Madonna, while she may have the Heart, simply lacks the talent needed to make a good album.
my rating : 3 of 5
tvicon :
Some of the demos were really good but most of this album is just awful. It could have been a fantastic album but it turned out so bad like if it was recorded in a tin can