Sex tapes, the secret video type, are an effective defense against women who engage in consensual sex acts with rich men only to allege rape months, sometimes years, later. Too Short recently found himself in the news on said charges and who better to target than a pimp who’s made a decades-long career on misogynist raps? But the drama isn’t addressed here. This, album number twenty, is business as usual, except it’s one of his best.
Short Dog sounds stylistically rejuvenated as he spits his signature pimp/player shit over an impressive array of hood bumpers. Feelin Somethin and Pull Yo Trophies Out, while no slouches in terms of quality, should’ve been swapped for different songs because they have little to do with Sex, and what sounds like a beat tag just nine seconds into the album is somewhat disconcerting, but the set is surprisingly satisfying on the whole.
my rating : 4 of 5