Snoop Dogg shouldn’t be thanking himself for these songs. Most of them are decent enough, thanks mostly to an assortment of Long Beach hood beats; the Looking For You summer anthem is the best in that regard; but some parts are annoying.
It’s good to hear Slick Rick in 2019; he was also featured on Mariah Carey’s newest album; but the song he’s on is on some tired race card bullshit. It’s also disappointing hearing banal Bob Marley, Whodini and Boyz 2 Men song bits used for hooks.
The title is silly, but it’s not Snoop’s worst. Remember Malice N Wonderland? It would be appropriate if this were his final album. I doubt it is; the Thank Me concept is based on his Hollywood star acceptance speech; but maybe it should be.
my rating : 3 of 5