I’ve never been a fan of his. I’ve never really listened to his songs and don’t know a lot about him in general. The only way in which he’s ever really made a significant impact on my attention span, in fact, aside from reading about him being a fellow pre-death Michael Jackson fan, which gives him positive points in my mind; is from that controversial fight he and Rihanna had in February of 2009. That’s perhaps what he’s known most for these days. I made a video about it not long after it happened. I even got into a minor debate with a girl about it at a bookstore.
The girl brought it up. She made a comment to me about it, scorning Chris Brown while apparently expecting me to agree. I didn’t. I told her I didn’t know who was to blame, him or Rihanna, because I didn’t know who started it, which set her off into a mini tirade about how guys shouldn’t hit girls even if girls hit them first. I told her how ridiculous and sexist that was before asking what made girls off-limits. She said something about them being physically weaker, so I asked if that logic should allow me to get away with punching Mike Tyson in the face for no good reason.
Our exchange lasted for maybe a minute, but she was adamant in her opinion. From what I see on the internet; the comments people make about Chris Brown to this day; it seems to represent the majority of society, but society is stupid in a lot of ways, so it doesn’t surprise me. All it does is make me want to defend Chris Brown whenever someone brings it up to me. Gender means nothing to me when it comes to fighting, but he’s wrong if he hit her for no good reason. The point is that it’s three years later and I still don’t know whether or not he had a good reason.
I don’t think either has explained to the public exactly what happened, so, for all I know, the rumor could be true that she got mad and hit him first, which would mean she probably deserved every bruise he put on her face. If a girl decided to attack me for no good reason, I’d beat her too and I’d advise any guy to respond the same way. It’s a matter of defending yourself but also not letting the girl get away with it just as you wouldn’t let a guy, other than perhaps Mike Tyson. Public scorn is, if you even care about what society thinks of you, just an unfortunate consequence.