audio review : Love And War ( album ) … Tamar Braxton

audio review : Love And War ( album ) ... Tamar Braxton

Tamar claims she has a man who thinks she’s the Prettiest Girl in the world, even when she “ain’t got no makeup on”, but that’s hard to believe. He may tell her that in order to taste some of her Hot Sugar, but I doubt he really thinks that and I doubt she really thinks he thinks that. You can see her face on the album photo and the mere fakeness of it suggests she’s suffering from a serious self-esteem problem. If that isn’t the case, there should be a logical answer as to why she hides her face under so much make-up, alters it with cosmetic surgery and has pictures of it altered with visual effects, and I can’t think of what (else) that answer might be.

To be fair, my little psychological diagnosis extends far beyond this particular Braxton. She is, in part, a product of her society. So she makes romance albums in which almost every song is about sex or “Love” like most other urban pop singers. Whether you like what you hear when you press play or not; it begins with a sample of a Mtume song and a quote from a rap song that sampled that song too; you have to give her a low score in the category of originality. She does better in voice. I’d rather hear her than her huskier sister Toni. But there’s not much happening here in regard to overall talent. The worst songs include Tip Toe and Pieces.

my rating : 3 of 5