audio review : Songs Of Innocence ( album ) … U2

audio review : Songs Of Innocence ( album ) ... U2

These are only songs of innocence in the sense that they’re safe in regard to album marketing. There’s nothing risqué or provocative here. A glance at the titles suggest the concepts go a bit deeper than your average pop-rock set; the opener is an ode to Joey Ramone; but any one could play in the background of, say, a random product or service ad without raising a public eyebrow. Even the music (production/recording) itself is polished with a lush sheen.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with innocent music, of course. The problem Bono and his band face is that the songs, while certainly not bad, are also boring. At least most are. Not because they’re safe, but because they’re melodically restrained. Iris stands out, but none of the hooks are particularly memorable, let alone catchy. REM’s swan songs had a few gems hidden among all the mediocrity. This U2 album, which, if it isn’t, should be one of their final, has none.

my rating : 3 of 5