video : a Christian talking about “feeling” the existence of God


kessete araya :

different religion has to find out this true is job of every one

Peter Dixon Media :

What camera do you use to film your clips? Looks great!

the light reveals the place :

All you Modern Atheists are the product of a Tavistock/Committee Of 300 socially engineered construct. You all singing, all dancing, hypnotically tranced Atheists are blissfully unaware you are just doing their bidding for them. You have jumped, like performing seals, through every hoop those Tavistock reprobates have held in front of you; thus turning you into mass manafactured KipperDrones. They did the same with The Beatles, another Tavistock vehicle that introduced the youth at that time, to drug culture and ever descending moral values, covertly removing the concept of God from that generation’s narrative. It has been an ongoing process, packaging and selling a so called ‘Liberalist Freedom’, when what it really is, is an Enslaving Luciferian Agenda. Pat yourselves on the back for being good and faithful, thought controlled Tavistock puppets!
馃憦 claps slowly and sarcastically at your subserviant naivety

Why I’m Not Convinced :

Did she just say she gets the same feeling from God that she does from spending money???

Danny Spitzer :

Indoctrinated into delusion

JG Estiot :

Dumb bat

Anvil La Guerre :

like gamblers

FaustLord :

Every religion is founded out of one… The Hindus was the first to came up with the idea of gods, (to my knowledge) and later on the road our body and inner psychological travel have been deified to gods and planets to easier understand our body. The battle between Satan and God is nothing else then the battle in your self, the battle between good and evil, (God is just good without the extra o, and the Devil is evil without the d). Just like Odin and Hel, Hades and Zeus and so on…
Mohammed also. Allah could be: head, leg, leg, arm,. arm = human body.
Da vinci and his painting of the Vitruvian man is the concept of this human psychic, where the meaning of the whole is that the body is your own temple…
Jesus was not a real person, but rather a mythical example of how to be a moral person and how to fight this inner demons of your mind. Jesus can also refer to Julius Ceasar (Jesus Christ) and the time when the roman controlled big part of the world.
Jesus is also refering to 888 in greek wich means sun… So the jesus could also refer to the SUN of God (God in this case is the head)
So, to conclude, be the light to awaken your own head and dont take anything literally, because al of the ancient texts is written in symbolism…

Alan Baraka :

You don’t worry about proving your claim true? So your doctor could hand you a vile of dog piss and tell you it will cure your illness. And when you try to sue him for malpractice what if he told you not to worry about proving his method as ineffective? See how well that would work.

Black atheist millionaire :


Brad Chervel :

Show me salt….. Game over.

Aaron :

So she’s saying “they’re wrong” to the people that “feel” the other gods. Uh huh……

Beej Price :

Asking good questions. Her answers are the typical universal god, everyone can have their own beliefs and let’s all get along. If there was a global standard deity that taught only those things, I’d be happy with it. Maybe, instead of isolating ourselves into various sects of mosques, temples, synagogues, etc., we’d all be getting together for picnics.

LacyBeee :

You have GOT to capitalize the titles of the videos properly, be sure to tag them as well thats SUPER important

Anthony Dunlap :

Good video

CallMe Tate :

Comparing the taste or flavour of something that pretty much everyone knows the taste off too an all knowing being is um… slightly irrational lol. It sounds cool when you say it, but it’s not a valid point or argument. “Feel” God (Christian God) yeah just like those who feel Allah or the other 3000+ God’s. I respect people freedom to believe as they wish, but with out facts and evidence what would the world be like if we all done and believed things we could “feel”? Not being a hater people I’m just being a voice of reason lol

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