2025 February 03
Tag: Lyndon B Johnson
The New JFK Show : Jim Fetzer debunking the Apollo moon landing
2019 July
Fade To Black : Marcus Allen talking about the Apollo moon “hoax”
a list of United States presidents
- George Washington
- John Adams
- Thomas Jefferson
- James Madison
- James Monroe
- John Adams
- Andrew Jackson
- Martin Van Buren
- William Harrison
- John Tyler
- James Polk
- Zachary Taylor
- Millard Fillmore
- Franklin Pierce
- James Buchanan
- Abraham Lincoln
- Andrew Johnson
- Ulysses Grant
- Rutherford Hayes
- James Garfield
- Chester Arthur
- Grover Cleveland
- Benjamin Harrison
- Grover Cleveland
- William McKinley
- Theodore Roosevelt
- William Taft
- Woodrow Wilson
- Warren Harding
- Calvin Coolidge
- Herbert Hoover
- Franklin Roosevelt
- Harry Truman
- Dwight Eisenhower
- John Kennedy
- Lyndon Johnson
- Richard Nixon
- Gerald Ford
- Jimmy Carter
- Ronald Reagan
- George Bush
- Bill Clinton
- George Bush
- Barack Obama
- Donald Trump
- Joe Biden
a Lyndon Johnson Commission investigation on the killing of John Kennedy : Report Of The President’s Commission On The Assassination Of President Kennedy
Nigger-Hatin Me ( song ) … Johnny Rebel