Tag: Tom Six
video review : The Human Centipede 2 [ Full Sequence ]
The centipede isn’t that bad. It’s the protagonist, a fat guy named Martin, that’s repulsive. Seeing him cough, sneeze and gag is more disgusting than what he does to other people with the exception of him knocking someone’s teeth out with a hammer. At least I assume that’s what happened. I had to look away.
Having to look away is the point as director Tom Six presents a horror sequel that’s even more bloody and violent than part 1. Though there’s no narrative explanation for the sudden transformation to black and white, it also looks better. There’s a darker, more sinister tone here. Lacking is any kid of narrative depth.
There is a story and even some backstory; Martin, who was apparently sexually abused by his father as a child, is a die-hard fan of the first Human Centipede movie and has become obsessed with creating one of his own; but that’s just a flat platform for the gimmicky concept, which is, so far, all this series has going for it.
If there’s a part 3; and judging by the way this one ends, there probably will be; I’d like a centipede of all girls. If I have to watch naked people squirm around on the floor with their mouths on each other’s asses, farting and squirting diarrhea, once again, I’d like for all of them to be girls; preferably attractive ones.
my rating : 2 of 5
LloydDuff :
weren’t you more then a bit harsh about Martin? Not everyone hates chubby people
as for the black and white I found it gave out an erasierhead like tone to it