audio review : Gratitude ( album ) … Mary J Blige

audio review : Gratitude ( album ) ... Mary J Blige

It’s awkward to begin your album with a guest verse. It’s also off-putting to start it with trite samples and interpolations. Luckily for Mary J Blige, rather the longtime fans she apparently dedicated this album to in a show of Gratitude, things get more original and less irksome (better) from there. Groovy highlights include Beautiful People, Can’t Wait For You and Don’t Fuck Up.

my rating : 3 of 5


a dream I had about a girl I was about to date

“I’m not going to be able to call you,” she said. “What,” I replied. “I won’t be able to call you,” she might’ve rephrased it in the same wet whisper, “You’ll have to call me.” If she went on to tell me why, it had something to do with either her phone not working or not getting in trouble at her job.

“Okay,” I said to which she responded with a kiss on the left side of my forehead. She would’ve had to bend over to do it because I was sitting at a computer with a younger guy, perhaps a newbie I was training, to my right. I guess that’s why she talked so quietly. She didn’t want to disturb us.

The kiss took me by surprise as we weren’t yet romantically involved. What she said was in reply to a message from me sent in reply to a message from her, perhaps a question, that strongly implied she was interested in dating. I’d made it clear I was also interested and told her to call me.

She was a white (Caucasian) girl with straight blondish hair. She had freckles or acne; there were blemishes on her face; but she was cute enough. She was also short and petite enough. She was probably also a lot younger than me, which I hoped wouldn’t be a romantical dealbreaker.

She’d began to walk away; she apparently had to go back to work; when I asked if I could text her, meaning we didn’t have to talk. She said yes and left as I wondered about a future between us. Marriage was out of the question, but I was certainly willing to date and of course have sex with her.

2024 November 17

a dream I had about licking a girl’s pussy

“You want me to eat you out,” I might’ve asked, though I think it was more like a challenge; “I bet you won’t let me eat you out.” It was in response to something she’d said about being a freak; someone who’s sexually uninhibited. It was somewhat of a boast on her part, which I took advantage of. I was only sort of joking and perhaps she was when she accepted the challenge, but she sat back and pulled her pants down.

They could’ve been shorts, but what does it matter. She was on a couch with nothing between me and her bare pussy but a thin layer of cotton. I started rubbing on her clit, through her panties, almost instantly and she almost as instantly started getting wet. I pulled her waistband down a lot quicker than I probably would’ve if I knew it was a sure thing; if we weren’t in a room with other people; her friends; walking around.

There was a guy right there with us, to her left, either on the couch or in a chair just beside it. I don’t remember if I was still rubbing her clit or had already started licking it when he leaned over with a smile to get a closer look. She scolded him in a quasi-angry fashion, telling him to “get the fuck back” or something along those lines, with an exaggerated grimace. She was a ghetto girl, yes, but her looks were just my type.

She was light-skinned; black but probably mixed with Hispanic or something down the heredity line; with a cute face and petite body. She didn’t seem particularly slim; the way she was bending over as she sat back on the couch might’ve even given her two or three belly rolls; but she was far from fat. If not for her personality, she’d be nearly perfect for me. Not that I was trying to be her boyfriend or anything.

All I wanted to do was, as the popular metaphor goes, eat her out and that I was doing. Technically I was licking her clitoris, but I certainly would’ve worked my way down if she didn’t cum (orgasm) so fast. In true dreamworld fashion, her panties, which I’d pulled down but not off, filled with clear nectar, which I slurped up like a happy hummingbird. “Piña colada, baby,” I said as I stood up and that’s just what it tasted like.

I remember asking if she was really a girl (female) before I started. Her agreeing to let me do it as fast as she did; I barely even knew her; seemed too good to be true. She’d laughed and affirmed she was. Afterward when she reminded me of the LBG girl I’d made fun of, I feared she was going to confess to being a male or something, but all she said with a giggle was that she’s her “wife”; whatever that meant.

2024 November 07

audio review : Bet She Can’t ( song ) … Total

The prosaic title of this song, which I would’ve made The Goods, refers to a guy’s girlfriend’s vaginal skills when it comes to sexual intercourse. Total; Kima Keisha And Pam; play the role of the (booty) call girl who brags she can do it better because she puts her “back into it”.

It’s a sexy song indeed; the music is sleekly produced; but it would be better without Missy and Diddy’s ad-libs. The biggest turnoff is when the latter breaks the fourth wall and promotes the former by name, which takes you; the aforementioned beau; right out of the fantasy.

my rating : 4 of 5