video review : Child’s Play

video review : Child's Play

A toy that talks, walks and murders people in a story otherwise set in the real world requires a suspenseful of disbelief. That is unless you believe in Vodou magic. If so, you might be as crazy as the adults think little Andy is when he says Chucky, his Good Guy doll, is really alive.

As silly as it may be, the plot of Child’s Play thrills in some interesting ways. Who’s in the doll, how he got there and how to get out; that’s where Andy and the aforementioned Vodou come into play; are the gist. The boy’s mother and everyone else are just obstacles in his way.

As far as horror movie killers go, Chucky is a force to be reckoned with. He’s more fun and less scary than the others, but no one has more fourth-wall-busting potential in the business of branded toys. With the popularity of this flick, Good Guy dolls should be selling off the shelves.

my rating : 4 of 5