Authentic News : callers criticizing and attacking each other


2025 January 24

a man being killed at a Citgo in Chicago

Uno Pizzeria Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza : Cheese | Pepperoni

Uno Pizzeria Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza : Cheese | Pepperoni

This isn’t just Deep Dish Pizza, it’s the original. The Chicago Style variation was, according to the box, “developed” by Ike Sewell for Uno in 1943. “When people tasted it, they wanted more of the same and the lines have been forming ever since to get into the restaurant.” I don’t blame them. It’s good stuff. What’s interesting is that the plain Cheese version is actually better than Pepperoni.

my rating : 4 of 5

audio review : Strawberriez N Cream ( song ) … MC Eiht ( featuring High T )

The title should be spelled right; Strawberries And Cream; and the High T verse should come after both of MC Eiht’s. Those are the only two major flaws on this otherwise palatable song. The best part is the beat; a jazzy groove with a delicious bassline; which isn’t fully appreciated till Bam and Chill start talking (drugs) over it near the end.

my rating : 4 of 5