Fast Twitch : Grape

Fast Twitch : Grape

This Fast Twitch, “from the makers of Gatorade”, tastes like the Grape Robitussin or Dimetapp I was given as a child. It smells like Grape Jolly Ranchers. Grape is one of my favorite flavors/scents, so, nostalgia aside, I like it.

The fact that it also provides enough caffeine and electrolytes “to help athletes ignite power and athletic performance”, with no stinging carbonation to damper the experience, ranks it among the better energy drinks.

my rating : 4 of 5

Pringles : Original

Pringles : Original

These Original Pringles, promoted as “bursting with flavor”, are certainly good enough to eat; the addition of salt makes for a delightful contrast when eaten with a sweet drink; but they’re not as good as Lay’s Stax. That’s partly due to their comparatively flimsy bite.

my rating : 4 of 5

audio review : Bet She Can’t ( song ) … Total

The prosaic title of this song, which I would’ve made The Goods, refers to a guy’s girlfriend’s vaginal skills when it comes to sexual intercourse. Total; Kima Keisha And Pam; play the role of the (booty) call girl who brags she can do it better because she puts her “back into it”.

It’s a sexy song indeed; the music is sleekly produced; but it would be better without Missy and Diddy’s ad-libs. The biggest turnoff is when the latter breaks the fourth wall and promotes the former by name, which takes you; the aforementioned beau; right out of the fantasy.

my rating : 4 of 5


Doritos : Cool Ranch

Doritos : Cool Ranch

If the Ranch bit has to do with dressing, it’s a case of false advertising because the flavor is basically undetectable. Still these Doritos taste damn good, about as good as the Nacho Cheese version, especially when you happen to grab one coated with extra seasoning.

my rating : 4 of 5

audio review : Please Come Out Tonight ( song ) … Phil Collins

“It’s so warm inside,” Phil Collins says, but the indication doesn’t make sense on a song that has him outside of presumably an ex-girlfriend’s window begging her to Come Out. The Tonight bit, over this lush and enchanting soundscape, makes for a fitting serenade. Then again his words may just be thoughts of what he would say if he had the courage to invite her back into his life.

my rating : 4 of 5


audio review : Both Sides ( album ) ... Phil Collins

Turkey Hill Frozen Dairy Dessert : Peanut Butter Ripple

Turkey Hill Frozen Dairy Dessert : Peanut Butter Ripple

This is ice cream. The Frozen Dairy Dessert bit is a silly legal (FDA) description. There’s no Ripple in it though, so fans of Sanford And Son may be disappointed. It’s swirls of Peanut Butter that blend with the (artificial) flavor of vanilla. It’s good, yes, but not as good as stirring your own peanut butter into a bowl of (real) vanilla ice cream.

my rating : 4 of 5

Mainstays Plate [ Black ]

Mainstays Plate [ Black ]

What I like most about this (“dinner”) Plate is the two-centimeter rim, which stops food from spilling off the edge; a common problem for big eaters like myself. That remarkable attribute, along with its specky Black appearance; the specks look like stars in outer space; easily counters the flaw of being prone to visible scratch marks from spoons and forks.

my rating : 4 of 5

Lay’s Potato Chips : Classic [ Lightly Salted ]

Lay's Potato Chips : Classic [ Lightly Salted ]

This Lightly Salted version of Lay’s Classic is, for salt avoiders like myself, the quintessential Potato Chip. The original version is a little too salty and a plain (unsalted) version would be too bland, so it’s a perfect middle ground. The only other ingredient, other than Chips and salt, is cooking oil.

my rating : 4 of 5

video review : Jurassic Park 3

video review : Jurassic Park 3

Our third trip to Jurassic Park is more entertaining than it should be. Steven Spielberg steps away from the director’s chair and hands the eggs over to Joe Johnston; the director responsible for shrinking The Kids. The result is an oversized monster movie that’s formulaic and predictable; main characters being saved in the nick of time and such; but also fun and occasionally funny. “I like the first one more”, but it’s better than The Lost World.

my rating : 4 of 5


Uno Pizzeria Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza : Cheese | Pepperoni

Uno Pizzeria Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza : Cheese | Pepperoni

This isn’t just Deep Dish Pizza, it’s the original. The Chicago Style variation was, according to the box, “developed” by Ike Sewell for Uno in 1943. “When people tasted it, they wanted more of the same and the lines have been forming ever since to get into the restaurant.” I don’t blame them. It’s good stuff. What’s interesting is that the plain Cheese version is actually better than Pepperoni.

my rating : 4 of 5

3D Energy Drink : Candy Blast

3D Energy Drink : Candy Blast

The name is too generic. It should be Skittles Blast because that’s what this 3D tastes like. That alone makes it easily one of the best (tasting) Energy Drinks I ever had because Skittles is my favorite Candy. It could’ve been one of the best drinks period; imagine Skittles liquified; if not for the carbonation.

my rating : 4 of 5

audio review : Like A Stranger ( song ) … Fine Young Cannibals

This is a good song that gets great near the end. That’s when singer Roland Gift is joined by a chorus of women he still manages to sound more effeminate than. “You’ve been too long in the institution,” they go and it sounds like the finale of a glorious Broadway musical. The storyline has to do with a gay man’s fears in regard to his abusive ex-lover being released from prison.

my rating : 4 of 5


audio review : Fine Young Cannibals ( album ) ... Fine Young Cannibals