video : 2018 an atheist claiming to know there is no God a Catholic admitting her God isn’t “perfectly” good a Christian trying to rationalize her belief in God a human rights advocate talking and singing about female circumcision how to get with a girl you’re attracted to a black college student talking about racism a woman explaining why she doesn’t like Donald Trump a Bible tract about how to get to Heaven an atheist talking about religious indoctrination a former waitress talking about guys and dating lens tests with insects Florida girls talking about going to the beach an advocate for veganism defending his beliefs about animals and morality a college student talking about whether or not a God exists an atheist talking about religion me talking about Christian tracts a girl talking about believing in a God she admits probably doesn’t exist Apple Cinnamon Cheerios hanging out on a Sunday a message about assuming the truth of sexual harassment and assault allegations a Christian talking about her belief in God a Christian talking about “feeling” the existence of God Threesome Or Not a Christian arguing for political democracy and gun control how to make wildflower bombs a theist talking about morality and free will college girls talking about guys and sex a Sunday at the park a Christian admitting he can’t answer moral questions about God a Christian mistaking me for a Muslim and retreating after a few questions girls talking about boyfriends and relationships me talking about women who wait years to accuse men of sexual assault theists talking about the existence of Gods video : 2017