chancing upon a lunch lady from elementary school
Anderson Silva coming back to the UFC
walking to Jacksonville Beach and seeing a huge whale
looking for eggnog at an outdoor Christmas store
searching my house and seeing Fat Joe
finally meeting an ex-housemate
leading the charge against a tyrannical landlady
living in an apartment with a dining room
a new pair of shoes and a dangerous freeway trip
saving the life of someone also named Marcel
walking thru my apartment building
Eugene getting knocked out in class
a video I shot in a high school science lab
a five-part Steven Spielberg movie
having an interesting discussion with a woman at a table
watching a video of a girl being killed
overhearing my lesbian roommate have sex
a girl interviewing me for school
living in an apartment in Detroit
having sex with Michelle Waterson
watching a movie that started to become real
my next-door neighbor and a bunch of dogs
a girl who was about to let me put my tongue in her ass
living in a college dorm and seeing an enormous insect
a gay school teacher giving me his phone number
lying to a high school security guard to get out of trouble
a girl staring at me like she wanted to fuck
witnessing a crazy traffic collision
taking pictures of girls I used to know
two old people who vacationed a lot
being at school with Wendy and Leanne
a video girl who seemed to have a crush on me
kissing and fondling a girl named Wendy
living with people and a caged bird
walking to a college campus and teleporting back home to get my car
a teen prison inmate attempting an escape
a man and a woman near the end of their romance
being on a tower and trying to run home before being eaten by lions
attending an event with tables of free White Castle burgers
waiting till the last minutes to study for a college exam
taking notes in a history class
taking a photo of a police officer at my job
seeing an airplane going down outside my window
working in a mansion with Sheila
being trapped nude in a bathroom stall
going to Solomon’s Temple in Detroit
seeing two dragons fighting in the night sky
hiring Pinky and Misty to exercise at my mother’s house
asking for Cap’n Crunch at Target
somehow getting an enormous amount of cash from a bank ATM
trying to interview Hulk Hogan for the site
being featured on a “reality” TV show with Jack Osbourne
my boss Heather sitting on my face
being in an elementary school reading class
playing Night Of The Living Dead
trading insults with a girl named Eliza
a tube of peanut butter toothpaste
a girl giving me her baby in Miss Dubose’s class