Jada Pinkett Smith’s physical appearance

Jada Pinkett Smith's physical appearance Jada Pinkett Smith's physical appearance Jada Pinkett Smith's physical appearance Jada Pinkett Smith's physical appearance Jada Pinkett Smith's physical appearance Jada Pinkett Smith's physical appearance

Jada Pinkett was certainly a cutie in her 20s, but age eventually takes its toll; a fact often made worse when women who are rich and famous try to delay the inevitable by getting cosmetic surgery. I don’t know which of the two did Jada in more, but she looks a lot different now and not in a good way.

That’s especially been the case ever since she revealed, sometime last year, her new bald look. She’s apparently been secretly suffering from alopecia areata; an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss; for years and finally decided to stop trying to hide it. Well, she should go back to hiding it.

Any female’s looks would take a major hit going from having hair to being bald and Jada is no exception. Head hair is extremely important when it comes to beauty. With it, she’s okay enough for an older woman; there are still hints of cuteness; but she looks repulsively mannish without it.

my rating : 2 of 5