video review : Doctor Sleep

video review : Doctor Sleep

You wouldn’t know from the title, but this is a sequel to The Shining. Both movies, based on Stephen King horror novels, are stupid, but this one is worse. The underlying concepts of telepathy and ghosts, which allow supernatural “magic” to happen seemingly at random, make for a plot that’s both silly and confusing.

my rating : 1 of 5


video review : Halloween Kills

video review : Halloween Kills

Jamie Lee Curtis breaks her tradition of dressing up as Laurie Strode every ten years for Halloween Kills; a sequel to Halloween, which itself is a sequel of the original. The title is fitting; the killings have always been the best parts; but the night should’ve ended long ago.

This movie is, like the series itself, a bloody mess. It starts out decent enough; the 1978 flashback bit conjures a sense of nostalgia that suggests it would’ve been better as a pseudo-remake; but the quality drops dead once the stupid vigilante concept comes into play.

my rating : 2 of 5