Truth Versus News [ 2025 January 05 ]

2025 January 05

video review : Doctor Sleep

video review : Doctor Sleep

You wouldn’t know from the title, but this is a sequel to The Shining. Both movies, based on Stephen King horror novels, are stupid, but this one is worse. The underlying concepts of telepathy and ghosts, which allow supernatural “magic” to happen seemingly at random, make for a plot that’s both silly and confusing.

my rating : 1 of 5


audio review : Heartbreak Hotel ( song ) … Michael Jackson

Fans expecting a cover of the Elvis Presley song; the only other popular song with the title; are in for a pleasant surprise. Before you can grab the doorknob; it’s actually one of those fancy handles; you’re greeted by a bellboy who offers to carry your luggage.

Michael Jackson’s Heartbreak Hotel is indeed more extravagant and much better than Presley’s, though it’s more like a prison. “Every smile’s trial thought in beguile to hurt me,” the singer laments, “The man next door… he’s been here in tears for fifteen years.”

my rating : 5 of 5


a dream I had about visiting a brothel

I don’t know whether I thought it was a regular hotel or knew it was a brothel, but there I was, in a fancy five-star-styled suite, ready to spend the night. I must’ve been on the internet or something, but it seemed like a real-life (paper) brochure popped up out of nowhere. It was the picture on it though that made me recoil.

I literally jumped as if somebody scared me, which is basically what happened. The face on the brochure, which was supposed to be a woman, looked like a darker version of RuPaul without the makeup and wig. It was probably a man, I thought, but even if I knew it was a woman, it would’ve been a hard pass.

The hookers could apparently see our reactions live from another room because he/she (it) came out almost instantly with a look of disgust to match mine. It was apparently highly offended by my reaction to which I explained apologetically that, with so many men pretending to be woman, I couldn’t take any chances.

It left just as quick as it came, leaving me with a metaphorical bad taste in my mouth. I must’ve had my own condoms because I wasn’t really concerned about STDs, but fucking a dude wasn’t exactly on my list of things to do. I did have my camera with me though and planned to try to get a video if the girl allowed.

“The girl” ended up being the very next one to pop up on a brochure. This one looked a lot younger, a lot lighter skinned and, most importantly, a lot cuter. That last bit automatically increased the likelihood of it being a female, enough so that, even after that first scary encounter, I didn’t doubt it.

She looked like a foreign girl; one of the Asian varieties; and quite petite, which I love. I was so enamored, in fact, that, in a magical dream move, I grabbed her by the hand via brochure, which made her appear in real life but also yank her hand away in what seemed like anger. She obviously didn’t like me grabbing her hand.

Before I could wonder if that meant she was repulsed by me physically, she made it clear that I was simply going too fast. She went pass me a few feet, further into my suite, as if walking off her irritation, turned around and came back to me. “You can get it,” she said before rubbing her fingers to imply I’d have to pay.

“Of course,” I said with an exaggerated grimace before she pulled a long gun out from nowhere; it was a shotgun or rifle; and pointed it right at my face. I somehow got the hint; not that she was going to rob me but that she’d shoot me if I didn’t pay her after sex. “Damn,” I said. She laughed and put the gun down.

A maid; she was cute too; had also entered the room. She carried my stuff to the bed. I remember seeing the legs of my tripod dangling from her arms. That reminded me of the video, which I still hadn’t brought up when I awoke. Whether she agreed to let me shoot her or not, I’d like to think the night ended in a threesome.

2024 July 23

False Flag Weekly News | The Real Deal : Kevin Barrett arguing with Jim Fetzer and Activist Angel

False Flag Weekly News : Jim Fetzer and Kevin Barrett arguing about each other’s “Islamophobic” and “homophobic” positions :

The Real Deal : Kevin Barrett condemning Jim Fetzer | Activist Angel and Jim Fetzer condemning Kevin Barrett :