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audio review : What I Feel ( song ) … R Kelly

I like You Are Not Alone, but I wish R Kelly had also given this song to Michael Jackson. It would, with a few lyrical alterations, be the perfect way to end or even begin his next album. The woes R Kelly expresses, having to do with being metaphorically crucified by a world of “haters”, fits M Jackson a lot more than it does R Kelly.

I can’t blame him for keeping it for himself though, considering it’s one of his best songs. Convention crashes thru the stained glass window to make way for a solemn piano that conjures The Young And The Restless. From there, the ballad builds to a rapturous anthem with guitars, thunder and an arena full of cheering fans.

my rating : 5 of 5


audio review : R ( album ) ... R Kelly

a documentary about rap music in New York City : Big Fun In The Big Town