Fizzy Infused Seltzer : Wild Strawberry

Fizzy Infused Seltzer : Wild Strawberry

This tastes like a standard energy drink except it’s not. There’s a sugar substitute (sucralose) but apparently no caffeine. In its place is 30 milligrams of Delta-8 THC; a cannabinoid. The “effects” you get as a result are, for those of us who don’t smoke or take drugs to get high, nothing more than an unwanted, albeit intriguing, side effect.

my rating : 2 of 5

audio review : Strung Out Johnny ( song ) … Iggy Pop

Iggy Pop stumbles between the first and second person perspective on this grunge anthem. It’s about a man named Johnny who happens to be Strung Out on drugs. “You can’t get enough,” he reflects, “Then your life gets all fucked up.” That bridge is the one bad part of the song. Every other part rocks, especially near the end when the chorus goes into full swing over 1980s power synths.

my rating : 4 of 5


audio review : Every Loser ( album ) ... Iggy Pop