Jim Fetzer on The Michael Decon Program [ 2024 August 15 ]

2024 August 15


Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop Popcorn : White Cheddar

Angie's Boom Chicka Pop Popcorn : White Cheddar

Angie (Bastian) says on the bag that this Popcorn “is made with real, simple ingredients”; “you know, ingredients you don’t have to scrunch up your face to say”. The list is indeed impressively modest, which wouldn’t mean much if it didn’t make for a “flavorful snack”. The taste holds up though, thanks mostly to the powdery White Cheddar coating.

my rating : 4 of 5

a Red Eagle Politics analysis of how Donald Trump can win the 2024 general presidential election in a landslide



The Real Deal : Jim Fetzer talking about Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing



a map showing US states by date of statehood

a map showing US states by date of statehood

Which of the United States is the best?

Florida’s always been my favorite state, long before I ever went there, mainly because it’s the warmest. I hate being cold and get cold easier (quicker) than most people, but I’m generally not bothered by hot weather. When I’m getting too hot, I’m more concerned with potentially passing out from heatstroke rather than being miserable from the feeling of being hot itself.

I also like the fact that the state is surrounded by (warm) water but not totally isolated like Hawaii. I get motion sickness on boats and can’t swim, so about knee deep is as far as I ever go into the sea or ocean; I don’t go in lakes at all because most are dirty and harbor snakes/alligators; but I do enjoy going to beaches for their natural visual and auditory aesthetics.

There are other states I like or would like to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Nowhere even comes close. Georgia is the closest physically, so if I had to live somewhere else, it would be there. California used to be my second favorite, but it’s being ruined by crazy politicians. Texas is one of the better states, but I don’t want to live anywhere near the Mexican border.

my vote : Florida