audio review : Sound Of Da Police ( song ) … KRS-One

You might start chanting the hook the next time you get pulled over, but the best part of this song is the beat; a grimy Showbiz production; which makes that chorus sound better than it is. The concept follows Who Protects Us From You and 30 Cops Or More as KRS-One continues to condemn Da Police, who he generalizes as racist and corrupt.

my rating : 4 of 5


audio review : Return Of The Boom Bap ( album ) .. KRS-One

Which season of Orange Is The New Black is the best?

The only seasons I like are the first two, especially the second one. In hindsight it should’ve stopped there. Even without a proper conclusion, Orange Is The New Black would’ve been a damn good show. Season 3 brought a sudden and significant drop in quality the series was never able to fully recover from.

my vote : Season 2

video review : Orange Is The New Black [ Season 2 ]

audio review : Hello ( song ) … Eminem

“My head is pounding to the beat of the drum,” a drug and sex addicted Eminem announces. That beat is the best part of the song. It’s a Dr Dre production and one of his sleekest; Mark Batson serves as co-producer; not just for the drums but the twangy synths and sneaky bassline that comes at the end of every fourth bar.

It’s an introduction slash return song; a cliché concept for a rapper whose past titles include My Name Is and I’m Back. Why it doesn’t start the Relapse LP is beyond me, but, after the mediocrity of his previous two (Show/Encore) albums, Eminem is indeed “resuscitated and rejuved” when it comes to lyrical prowess.

my rating : 4 of 5


audio review : Relapse ( album ) ... Eminem